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How late should you sleep in when ur a guest in someone's home??

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Wasn't sure where to post this question, but what is the etiquette on sleeping in when spending the night or a few nights at your in-laws' house, or anyone's house who you are not close to? Do you sleep as late as you want event though the host(s) and everyone else may be up and about, eating breakfast and whatnot? If it is your s/o's folks house, do you ask your s/on to wake you up when everyone gets up? Or do you sleep til noon even though evryone else has been up since 9am? Just wondering what other's opinions are on how late you should sleep when you are a guest in someone's home.

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Wasn't sure where to post this question, but what is the etiquette on sleeping in when spending the night or a few nights at your in-laws' house, or anyone's house who you are not close to? Do you sleep as late as you want event though the host(s) and everyone else may be up and about, eating breakfast and whatnot? If it is your s/o's folks house, do you ask your s/on to wake you up when everyone gets up? Or do you sleep til noon even though evryone else has been up since 9am? Just wondering what other's opinions are on how late you should sleep when you are a guest in someone's home.


before you go to bed, politely ask what time they are up and about! they reply........ problem solved!

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Thanks for the reply. This isnt really about me. I'm asking because over the holiday weekend we all stayed at my mom's house...my cousin's boyfriend repeatedly slept til noon, even though we were all up and about, eating breakfast, talking, etc. My cousin was kind of embarrassed by her bf sleeping in that late, and thought it was rude. Even after she told him to get up, he was still lounging around in the bed watching tv for a while. I could see her poit of view, because when i'm an overnight guest at someone's house, i get up when i hear everyone else up, or at least by 10am. I would be kind of embarrassed if i came downstairs at 1pm to see everyone had eaten and was dressed. I was just wondering if it mattered or not.

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Thanks for the reply. This isnt really about me. I'm asking because over the holiday weekend we all stayed at my mom's house...my cousin's boyfriend repeatedly slept til noon, even though we were all up and about, eating breakfast, talking, etc. My cousin was kind of embarrassed by her bf sleeping in that late, and thought it was rude. Even after she told him to get up, he was still lounging around in the bed watching tv for a while. I could see her poit of view, because when i'm an overnight guest at someone's house, i get up when i hear everyone else up, or at least by 10am. I would be kind of embarrassed if i came downstairs at 1pm to see everyone had eaten and was dressed. I was just wondering if it mattered or not.


well if someone did that at my place a cold cup off water would given the hint, it is rude and very disrespectful, so no its not the done thing!

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With in reason sleeping in is ok my exes parents use to be the churchly kind and were up between 5 and 6am everyday bugger that!


His mom blasted me cause I apparently slept in till a whopping 9am one morning. I have a hard time sleeping most nights but I would def be up at a reasonable hour maybe 10:30ish.


If some one threw anything on me ide shove the glass were the sun don't shine as respectfully as I could of course! lol.

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With in reason sleeping in is ok my exes parents use to be the churchly kind and were up between 5 and 6am everyday bugger that!


His mom blasted me cause I apparently slept in till a whopping 9am one morning. I have a hard time sleeping most nights but I would def be up at a reasonable hour maybe 10:30ish.


If some one threw anything on me ide shove the glass were the sun don't shine as respectfully as I could of course! lol.


if i had some loafing oaf take liberties and abuse my hospitality then a cup of the cold stuff would be a mild let off! its about having respect for someone elses space and not take advantage.


if we both had rolled in at 4am the yeah a sleep in would be inevitable.

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I think it depends on your level of comfort with the family and what their expectations are. If people were just going to be in and out in the morning, not really any plans AND I knew the family fairly well, I would feel ok sleeping until whatever time. When I used to visit my ex's family, I would often wake up before him and hang out with his parents alone, but then take a nap when people were around in the afternoon - no problem since there were no set plans.


If the whole family was hanging out together, or planning on going somewhere, then I would want to be up at the same time as them. Generally the less comfortable I feel, the more I would worry about doing the wrong thing - if I know the family well I know they won't misinterpret if I sleep in late.

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What time would one have to go to bed to wake up at noon?! If you're staying at someone's house, presumably you wouldn't be going to bed at 4 in the morning. Why the need to wake up so late? Yes, I'd think this was rude.


Just set your alarm for 9 and be done with it.

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If you've been invited to stay at someones house, it's because they want to spend time with you. Id find it rude for someone to sleep half the day away after I invited them for a visit. At the same time, a host shouldn't expect their company to have to conform to their schedual. I think the solution is to meet in the middle. If they want to get up at 6:00 am on a saturday, and you want to sleep in till 9:00, sleep in till 7:30.

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if i had some loafing oaf take liberties and abuse my hospitality then a cup of the cold stuff would be a mild let off! its about having respect for someone elses space and not take advantage.


if we both had rolled in at 4am the yeah a sleep in would be inevitable.


There is a difference between not waking up at 5/6am and being a loafing oaf thats just a obscene time to expect company to get up if their not accustomed to it like I said I think 10:00-10:30 ish is a fair compromise I do have respect and would ask the same of my hosts.


To me if you want to totally dictate/control another life then get a dog if you want human companionship then I think you need to be willing to compromise a little some times im not directing this straight at you but just in general..

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My brother in law works an odd shift and when he stays over at my parents for a week, he sleeps in late. He just can't catch a break at home because he works at 4 am and after work takes care of the kids after school (my sis takes care of them before school) and then there's dinner and by the time things are done, he gets very little sleep. Our family accepts this and only expects that if we are doing something (really doing something like going to a predetermined event like a wedding or a retirement party) he is expected to be up and ready beforehand. But if we are just chattering and visiting, he is not expected to be up at dawn just because we are.


I agree with, however, checking the time that your hosts wake. But also be mindful if you share a bathroom - maybe getting up slightly after them will allow them to get in there first.

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What time would one have to go to bed to wake up at noon?! If you're staying at someone's house, presumably you wouldn't be going to bed at 4 in the morning. Why the need to wake up so late? Yes, I'd think this was rude.


Just set your alarm for 9 and be done with it.


Its all about the situation I guess back in my younger days my friends often slept still afternoon but it was a laid back atmosphere and we were usually hanging out most of the night before.


As you get older it dose become more of a issue of course waking up at noon when your at your in laws house and they wake up at like 8 or 9 is just going to cause unneeded turmoil agreed bad look.

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I generally follow the host family's routine.


As a teen, I rarely slept over friends' houses because I would wake naturally early (probably anxiety because I could quite happily sleep till noon at home). I remember laying there from about 6am waiting for some signs of activity so I could get up. Usually I'd have eaten breakfast with the parents and have gone home before my friend surfaced!

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i agree it depends on how comfortable you are with the host. This was his first time spending the weekend at my mom's, but she is a very nice person who dotes on her guests and wants everyone to be comfortable and happy. We all stayed up til about 1am playing cards and having a good time. We planned on going to the beach the following day, so everyone got up, ate breakfast, my mom and aunt ran to the store for sodas and food, and everyone was getting ready. So i do think in that case it was rude and unnecessary to stay in bed until someone has to ASK you to please get up. I just know i would have been up because i would have felt awkward.

@Anya- I understand because i've done the same thing!! lol

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