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nothing in common?


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what is your opinion on relationships where the two involved have nothing in common? (interests, etc.)


the reason i ask is because me and my boyfriend dont have much in common at all. we connect very well and love each other so much, but our interests are so vastly different. he suggested we both spend the days doing what we enjoy, and go home and spend time relaxing with each other etc. and on the weekends find common ground on what we both think is fun. im just worried our differences will keep us apart. experience??

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Don't see it working out very long. If you're night and I'm day and we just can't come to a common ground about sharing the sun, moon and stars, then what would be the point. We've got to start from somewhere. If all we got is 'nothing' then I doubt it's ever going to workout.

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But if you have nothing in common, then you have everything.


If both ppl are starting with an empty glass, then both of them can fill them up one droplet at a time. Though it will need a lot of question to each other, maybe it's why no common interest has been found yet? If both are asking each other question, then i say they have something in common.... they want to know the other person.

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i think you should figure out what you want out of this relationship.


i know alot of married couples have told me that realistically after many years, the feelings fade/evolve and the thing that keeps them going is what they have in common so they can spend time together.

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i think you should figure out what you want out of this relationship.


i know alot of married couples have told me that realistically after many years, the feelings fade/evolve and the thing that keeps them going is what they have in common so they can spend time together.


i never really thought of that. im worried for our future. i know we love each other, but i just dont know how its going to turn out. ahh

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Maybe there is common ground you haven't discovered yet. Can you guys pinpoint one activity that you both like to do and go from there? Travelling, camping, sports, something you want to learn, tv shows, movies...there must be something.

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If you really care about each other and want to make the relationship work then this isn't an insurmountable problem, you have just have to consciously work on it. My ex and I didn't have a ton of common interests but we had some. We liked to read so we would read a book out loud together, each taking a turn reading a chapter to the other. We'd see a lot of movies, go out with each other's friends, go on walks and hikes and stuff. Sometimes its less about whether its something you like and more about if its something that you can enjoy because you're spending time with the other person. Put in the effort and you two will have plenty of things to do together.

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I totally agree with Bismark776. If you put in the effort you can always find things that you both enjoy.


In my relationships I usually picked up my guys interests. My ex bf was really into movies, so we watch lot of movies together and I started really liking movies too. He was not too much into traveling, but he learned to enjoy it with me.


My husband is the complete opposite, loves to socialize and spend time with friends. Likes music and going to concerts, so I do these things with him and enjoy them. He likes to travel just like I do. We both enjoy working out, so we do that together.


I have some hobbies that he is not interested in like dancing and yoga.

He likes to skate and rollerblade, I don't do that, so he goes with his friends.


I am sure something like this will not be an issue as long as you are both (or even just you) are willing to change and try new things.

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