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We used to mean so much to each other...

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Hi everyone,


I'm in need of a little bit of advice. A couple of months ago I started to hangout with a good friend....soon it turned into more of a romance. We were going strong, great friends and an awesome relationship. We had one argument, but we both admitted it got outta hand and things went back to normal. A couple of weeks he changed plans and somehow blamed it on me. That night he said he needed a break and we didn't talk for a while. I tried and tried to make things better, on the friendship level at least, and he finally came around. We were okay again until I had to leave for school once again. Suddenly my text went unanswered and when I returned to town and saw him, I was ignored. We work together and now he won't even say hi to me. I have asked mutual friends what is wrong and they seem to think I broke his heart or he still loves me. I have never had this happen before and was wondering what some of you think is the problem?


Thanks for reading

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