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Is this animal cruelty??


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My sister in law and her family have been gone out of the state for two weeks and they left their dog in the backyard alone!!! they have a neighbor checking up on him everyday for a little bit. It's like 100 degrees out and they are coming back for a couple of days then leaving again for another two weeks!!!!! I think it's cruel. They were too cheap to put it in a boarding facility and didnt even try to have someone else dog sit for them


what do u think???


No not really I mean not if they have some one coming over to take care of him and spend some time with him. And he has a adequate shelter from the heat?


That said there is a difference between people not keeping a animal the way some may like and it being out right animal cruelty or neglect.


Not all boarding places are fantastic I went to look at one for my cats last summer it was horrid they put them in little cages with plexi glass doors and it was summer!


With no AC or fan even na ide rather leave them at home in a familiar environment at least long as some one I can trust comes once a day to see to them.

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