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Is this animal cruelty??


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My sister in law and her family have been gone out of the state for two weeks and they left their dog in the backyard alone!!! they have a neighbor checking up on him everyday for a little bit. It's like 100 degrees out and they are coming back for a couple of days then leaving again for another two weeks!!!!! I think it's cruel. They were too cheap to put it in a boarding facility and didnt even try to have someone else dog sit for them


what do u think???

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Does the dog have shade? Food? Water? Enough room to walk around freely?


If so and someone is coming every day to check on him then it's probably not cruelty. Maybe it isn't what you would do (it's not what I would do either) but his needs are being met.


If he's out in the sun with not enough food/water, etc then yes it's cruelty and you should call the police or the ASPCA.

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Yes it is cruel. I cannot believe people do this to there dogs. If you cannot take responsibility (including financial), then you do not deserve to have a dog. Its a life and not some thing for just your entertainment. I hate people who would do this to there dog. You should call the humane society. They do not deserve to keep that poor little thing. 100 degrees outside, even human beings go crazy and thats just simple cruelty to the dog. Don't know what breed it is, but some breeds would get sick and die if they are kept in this hot weather.

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Depends on the situation.


Is the dog tethered? (I think this is wrong). Also, is the dog long-haired and difficult for him to stay cool? Is he normally an outdoor dog? Does he even have a cool place, like a dog house, to rest in? Plenty of food and cold water? How big is the backyard?


I'm just wondering. See, my dog (over 10 years old now) is an outdoor dog. She gets the whole run of 12 acres, plus a dog house and cold water always. I hardly think that is cruel, given that she has always lived that way.

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Does the dog have shade? Food? Water? Enough room to walk around freely?


If so and someone is coming every day to check on him then it's probably not cruelty. Maybe it isn't what you would do (it's not what I would do either) but his needs are being met.


If he's out in the sun with not enough food/water, etc then yes it's cruelty and you should call the police or the ASPCA.

Agreed - it's not that much different from properly looked-after guard dogs.
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I agree with you 100%!!!! yes, it's usually an outdoor dog, they always leave it outside even if it's super hot!!! I dont even know why people like this get a dog!?!?!? It's a lab and hates being outside, everytime I went over there it would be dying to get in I'm sure it has food and water but still...they have alot of money, they could have put it in a boarding facility!!!

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I agree with you 100%!!!! yes, it's usually an outdoor dog, they always leave it outside even if it's super hot!!! I dont even know why people like this get a dog!?!?!? It's a lab and hates being outside, everytime I went over there it would be dying to get in I'm sure it has food and water but still...they have alot of money, they could have put it in a boarding facility!!!


Its not that he's dying to get in, he is dying for companionship. Dogs are pack animals and as such are genetically programmed to be part of a group. Isolating a dog is equivilent to emotional torture. Its why they are prone to seperation anxiety.

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That's sad he always wants to be let in. My dog always wants to stay out. Maybe he's lonely.


If he's a lab and in good shape, he can probably be ok in the heat for a bit, but he should always have shade and lots of cold water and food available. He shouldn't be forced to always be in a sunny spot because that's bad for anyone.


If he has all of his needs met, it's not cruelty. He may not like being outside but cruelty is when a dog is being neglected or being abused...it doesn't say anything about the dog having to be happy about where he is.

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As long as the dog has access to food, water, and shade it's not considered animal cruelty.


If it's a dog breed that isn't suited for hot weather, maybe you should offer to house-sit. It'll be quite miserable to be a husky in this heat wave.

I can't. I have a little 4lb dog that he tries to eat.

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Dogs have been outdoor animals for thousands of years.


Yes I agree. But you also have to agree that different dogs are meant for different outdorsy weather. I may live in Florida and fancy to have a Alaskan malamutes because I find it cute. For this dog to be outside in Alaska and in Florida will be two different thing. Florida may not be its natural outdoor climate.

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I've got a shepard, and she LOVES being outside, rain or shine, sleet or snow. I realize this is a lab, so it's personality may be different. However, many of the larger dogs that I know in my neighbourhood (of which there's lots) are almost always outside. Just as others have mentioned, as long as it has access to water, food, and shade, it's fine and not animal cruelty.


Also, look at this from a different viewpoint. Is it an indoor dog? Is it housebroken? Would it destroy the furniture? Or would it go crazy being locked indoors, in the heat, with nothing to do, no wind, no sound/sight of birds/cars/people/etc, no smells?


As I mentioned, I leave my dog outside (except for "bedtime", and even then I have to persuade her in). Most of the people I tell this to who think it's "cruel" are not dog owners. Once I tell them what would happen with her in the house, unsupervised, they tend to realize that the outdoors is really the happier outcome for the dog, not just us.


If you'd like to help out this dog, talk it for a walk every day or two while your sister-in-law is out of town. I'm sure it'd love the company!

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The other problem here is dog fighters often look to kidnap (dognap) dogs so that they can be used to train (i.e be mauled to death) by their fighting dogs. Its why you should never leave a dog tied up outside a store.

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Yes I agree. But you also have to agree that different dogs are meant for different outdorsy weather. I may live in Florida and fancy to have a Alaskan malamutes because I find it cute. For this dog to be outside in Alaska and in Florida will be two different thing. Florida may not be its natural outdoor climate.


Didn't she say it was a lab AND an outdoor dog?

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I had to leave my Labrador out today even though it's really hot out. When I let her out this morning, there was a big, stinky smudge of gunk on her shoulder upon her return. She must have rolled in something. So, she's going to be outside in this heat (with water and shade) until I can go home during my lunch break and scrub it off her. She was kind of angry about it.

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yes, it has the run of the yard but still....


then dont worry about it. as you say its not tied up, it has food, water etc etc. think of it like this it is probably better off outside rather than be inside when its really hot. dont you think? if your that worried go ask the owners, or the person over seeing the dog to take it out for a stroll. start kicking up dust with regards to this dog will just earn you a title of an intefering busy body, and with neighbours????


if on the otherhand it didnt have all of the above, then yes you have every right to get involved! getting involved emotionally is no reason to start a campaign for animal cruelty just because its on its own. it has provisions and its only temporary. so dont worry, dogs are hardy creatures!

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