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Why are the mornings so hard?

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I find mornings are hard because usually I have been dreaming about them and have to wake up and go through the realisation of "Oh nope, they're gone" and it's a bit crap to say the least!

Also mornings are associated with snuggling that special person, waking up and seeing your loved one beside you. And that is no longer the case.

That's why I find mornings a bit of a b****.

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I have bad mornings because I'm so used to seeing her when I wake up, she always slept later then I did. So I'd usually use the bathroom, and then just gentlly crawl back into bed beside her, kiss her cheek, and tell her I love her softly. Now I'm alone and miss her so much.

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Try this.


Right when you wake up don't just lay down in your bed. Get up and do something. Brush your teeth, wash your face, eat, exercise or go on with your daily deeds. It's helped me around. Just stay active and always have something to do.

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The worst part of morning for me early on was that it seemed like I never got a break or any rest. I would go to bed thinking about my ex and our relationship and it would be the first thing on my mind in the morning. It's like I never went to sleep.


Try this.


Right when you wake up don't just lay down in your bed. Get up and do something. Brush your teeth, wash your face, eat, exercise or go on with your daily deeds. It's helped me around. Just stay active and always have something to do.


I did something similar. I would sleep to where I only had enough time to get up and rush to work. I wouldn't recommend it, but it did kill my time to thinking in the morning...besides the commute. The road rage helped.

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Yup. The mornings and drive back home after work suck.


1. Mornings - i'm use to waking up before her and kissing her on her cheek telling her "have a great day, love you"


2. Drive Home - I get excited knowing that i'll be seeing her. I still remember the excitment that i would feel when i hear the garage door opening when she gets home.


Now thats all gone. nothing to look forward to right now.

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I hated waking up. There was this split second in which my brain was not aware of the mess that my life was when I was broken-hearted. Then it all 'fell' on me, like a ton of bricks. All I can say is that there was a morning that was different, that it wasn't the first thing that dawned on me. Life got really better after that.

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Im only on week 3 after breakup of over 6 years (She cheated on me in a very nasty way, you can see my other post). I find, in the following order, the worst times for me:


1) Weekends. The past 3 weekends ive ended up in states of despair continually thinking about her getting all dressed up to go out to look good for the man she cheated on me with. Thinking about the things we done at weekends, while i cry at home, and she is out enjoying herself with not one care or thought about me. Im dreading this weekend.


2) Driving home from work. Takes me an hour to get home from work. My mind races with negative thoughts about her, thinking about her sleeping with the other guy, doing all the things we done.


3) Evening and Night time. The drive home already starts the downward slope and this continues to the middle of the night.


4) Morning and the drive to work. Nitemare.


Im sick of all this hurt, I am sick of feeling im just existing, I am sick of my mind continually poisoning me with all these thoughts. I try to distract myself but cant, motivation is non existent. All i have is hope that time will heal but time is going so so slow.

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Tony - time itself won't do everything if you are continually torturing yourself with thoughts... You do need a distraction. Can you not put on some awesome music on your car journeys? Music that really builds you up...?

Weekends are tricky... Sundays are a bit of a nightmare for me atm because it would be the day I would have gone up and seen the ex at work... Pfft. But last Sunday I made sure I was with my bestie and we had a picnic in the park and just chilled out with music and he didn't cross my mind half as much as I thought he would.


Please don't let her win. The best revenge is living well!

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Tony - time itself won't do everything if you are continually torturing yourself with thoughts... You do need a distraction. Can you not put on some awesome music on your car journeys? Music that really builds you up...?

Weekends are tricky... Sundays are a bit of a nightmare for me atm because it would be the day I would have gone up and seen the ex at work... Pfft. But last Sunday I made sure I was with my bestie and we had a picnic in the park and just chilled out with music and he didn't cross my mind half as much as I thought he would.


Please don't let her win. The best revenge is living well!


So true, but its alot easier said then done. I'm feeling about the same way as Tony.

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Mornings were evil, I skipped work, or got in really late for few times.


But now driving back from work is just sear torture. Traffic is seriously screwed up on my router and people are driving like maniacs, and I just start feeling sorry for myself...

(God, highway agencies, just stop doing all these road works already???)

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The worst part of morning for me early on was that it seemed like I never got a break or any rest. I would go to bed thinking about my ex and our relationship and it would be the first thing on my mind in the morning. It's like I never went to sleep.


Oh man, I know this feeling exactly. Its painful. As if you aren't mentally exhausted enough from involuntarily thinking about them all day, you look at sleep as the only sweet relief but you wake up and can tell your subconscious has been sitting there ticking away while you slept.






48 days no contact for me today, feeling way better and ACTUALLY THINKING ABOUT HER LESS!!!!!!!!


Then again it is Friday...

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I don't know about everybody else, but for me mornings suck because its the beginning of the day and you know its just one more day you have to put up with without having them around. One more day of not getting to see them, hear them or hold them in your arms like you want to. The night is easier for me because the day has finally come to an end and my mind could rest from thoughts of him not being around. However as stated above I do wonder at night if he's out, who he's out with, what he's doing etc.

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So true, but its alot easier said then done. I'm feeling about the same way as Tony.


Yep, me too. I find I can't even listen to music at all... it seems any kind is too much for me. Even the cheesiest, lite rock love song sort of thing. Instead, I listen to NPR, yes I'm a geek. But hearing people whose voices are familiar to me, and they're talking about things that matter- it helps somewhat. Would that be like Radio 4 for you Tony, maybe?


Mornings are hard if I had a dream about my ex, or if I was kind of in a different world somehow and then wake up to reality. Last night all I remember dreaming is that he was hugging me, and it felt so good to feel loved and safe like that. But he's not there for me anymore.


Actually, it doesn't really matter when it is, there is always something that makes me think of him, think of things we did or talked about, places we went, anything. It's a really tough time.

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same here steph... I heard this song by an autralian artist kate miller heidke its called Last Day On earth and it reminds me of the time I had with my ex.i heard it at a cafe with my mum the other day and I basiaclly couldn't eat and had a lump in my throat and felt ill.I had shivers and shakes and wanted to leave the cafe.But i had to suck it up and just stay.Its awful what breakups do to people.

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