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Is this appropriate?


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So a couple I used to be friends with got a baby today. We used to go out together while I was still with my bf who is now my ex. I was on their wedding, and we got along really good. I liked them both, they are a really nice couple. Babies dad is my ex bf's (we were together for 3 years) very good friend and that's how we started hanging out. So all the plans to go out were made by them and we girls would gladly join in.

So my ex bf told me that she gave birth today (I knew they are expecting because me and my ex were still together back then) cause i asked him to inform me about it...

Is it polite to call his friend to congratulate or not?

See, I am thinking I might put them on a spot and they won't know what to do regarding me visiting a baby. I don't think I should visit cause well....it's his friend..and i never really developed a close friendship with his wife. We got along really well, but the guys were always organising our evenings out.

Should I just tell my ex to say I am happy for them or should I make a call?


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I think the best way to decide is to take a moment and think...if the roles were reversed, would you feel awkward RECEIVING a congratulations? If not, then there is no reason why you can't send a card or call.

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