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Woke up still as lonely as last night

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You know I am 57. I didn't feel like this in my 20's, 30's, even 40's. being alone gets old, and I was alone for many years. I raised my daughter all alone. It is all culamative, and is making it's impact on me now. I am tired of being alone, and I want to share my life with someone, and grow old with someone. And my terrible breakup didn't help.


When you are older, things seem harder to do alone. The physical things ARE harder to do alone, like right now I have to go to a crafts show, and set it up all alone.


Why was I alone for so long? Probably because I was like you guys, and it was fine being alone. But now, I hate it. Enough is enough.

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I get that. One of the most difficult things for me about this divorce is that I planned to grow old with him, have him there for me, to be there for him for the rest of my life. And we didn't even make it 2 years into the marriage before he bailed on me. I REALLY wasn't expecting that, and some days I hate him for it.


But this is what I have to deal with...and you, too.


There are other options, though...Until the right guy comes along, do things with friends. Again, look at the link removed groups and see if there is any social group for women that looks interesting to you. I'm in one for women over 40. I was in the same kind of thing in Portland, and it is really nice to go do special things with girlfriends. Just a thought to help you through for now.

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