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Many of you might have read my previous post.. briefly.. I met a young guy a few years younger then I am..we had a three month relationship..It was very intense with a lot of emotions.. He left me and afterwards he treated me badly, verbally insulting me but at the same time also giving me the impression that he does not want to let me go completely. When he wants to go on skype all he has to do is text me in the early hours of the morning and I sit there with him.. sometimes hearing about his new girl or that he only wants to be friends. I have cried on skype and at times it seemed he was enjoying it.. He also once told me that he wants to ask me a big favour but not to text over the weekend because he will be with his new date..This week he told me they were over and today was the first time in two months since our break up that he told me he loves me.. This is all done by text of skype because he lives about two hours away..When we did have a realtionship he used to come and see me almost every weekend. I still love him.. I have never stopped and my question is... If I do the "no contact rule".. would it make a difference?

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I am hoping that he does truly still love me and that he will come back to me.. In the three months we were together he treated me like a queen after a marriage of 16 years where I got absolutely no attention! I miss him and I feel hopeless and depressed.

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three months of being treated like a queen then a quick exit leading to verbal abuse and an enjoyment of waiving a new girl in your face and watching you cry. Sounds like prince charming. NC can help you, if you use the time to convince yourself that you need to be treating yourself like a queen before anyone else will. Love yourself enough to not try and keep a bad thing going. Focus on you to be stronger when choosing the next guy. It is your choice and you can make a better on next time.

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THANKYOU to all you wonderful people who are helping me cope! I have NO support base here in Canada..I am new in this country.. The only support I am getting is from you and i am feeling so very very depressed.. I know I will be lonely again if I do nc.. because there are times he tells me he loves me and misses me and I lap that up! I am sitting here with my morning coffee feeling so lonely and hopeless!

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Post. Post anything whenever you have something on your mind. There has got to be something you always wanted to do, even if it is not that big a deal, Lessons - language, dance, cooking, tennis. Do it. Look into local groups that set up socializing for large groups.

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He doesn't love you..nor does he love anyone. If he did indeed dump the other woman, chances are he is treating her like crap as well and rubbing things in her face. A person who wants to verbally twist the knife in someone's back is not a good bet for a relationship no matter how charming that person can be at times.

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