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Please leave feedback for First Date!!


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3 weeks ago: met this new girl through a friend and had a great time at the bars and club. Talked a lot and a good amount of dancing. Didn’t really think about asking her out on a date or anything. Bu the funny thing is she asked for my number before I got to ask her first.


This past weekend: went out for her bday weekend. Had some drinks at a bar and went to clubs again. Held hands and kissed on multiple occasions. We were both kinda drunk though. I get a text from her the same day. Exchanged some friendly texts, nothing special. Finally asked her out on a first date and she accepts.


Yesterday: Went out to have dinner and talked for a decent time. Customers next to us changed twice while we were there. Just asking questions and trying to get to know her better personally. Then we went to a bar to get some drinks and talk a bit more. Before we even knew it, it was already midnight and decided to go home. Walked her home and said by. We did not hold hands, no hug, no kiss…..I wanted this as I didn’t want to scare her away. Just wanted to keep it casual. It was different from past weekend when we kissed and stuff….but we were drunk so im trying not to think about all that.


After ten minutes we sends a text saying thanks for coming out and that she had fun. I send a text saying I had fun and we should do it again. she sends a text saying that we should and next time we should do an activity and something more fun(ending with a smiley).


What do you guys think of my first date. Have been out of the dating scene for a while and I really like this girl. It was weird not even touching her cuz at the club we were all over each other….but then again we were drunk. I do not want to fall into the friend zone at all. I was nervous through the entire date as I didn’t know what to do at time. Oh but one good thing was that we were constantly talking without any awkward silence. Anyways what do you think and where should I go from here.


Im thinking about asking her to the movies this Friday night. Yes no?

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