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Question for happily committed men...

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What is it about the women in your life that make you so happy??? Specifics please


-What it is about THEM individually? personality-wise, physical, etc.

-What is it about how they treat you? Do they do anything special? cater to you?

-Sexual aspects?

-Friendship? And what specifically that sets them apart from what you could get from a male friendship only


And any other reasons why you know you have a wonderful partner?


Thanks for the input!! Feel free to rave and go on about why your partner makes you so happy!

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lol really eh... I just realized most of us (including myself) come here to vent or resolve problems.. I have a wonderful man in my life and I wanted to hear from other guys why there women are so wonderful... I want to make sure I'm doing the things to show mine he is appreciated and loved

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I've said this before....


Generally speaking, men who are in happy relationships don't talk about it. And they wouldn't be on a discussion board to discuss their happy relationship....


Yes, it's a generalization, and it sounds sexist...but I can tell you that DH's philosophy is "If I've got nothing to say, then everything is fine" He has no interest in this board and somewhat rolls his eyes at me and sometimes wonders why I participate, when I have a happy marriage....Like Shes2Smart says, it's not his style...


Still, with all these members, you'd think there'd be someone willing to say...

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-What it is about THEM individually? personality-wise, physical, etc.

-What is it about how they treat you? Do they do anything special? cater to you?

-Sexual aspects?

-Friendship? And what specifically that sets them apart from what you could get from a male friendship only


And any other reasons why you know you have a wonderful partner?



Ok... I'll give this a go. I'm probably as happy as a man would profess to be, but there's still things wrong... but maybe I can help.


Personality wise I'm happy that I can make her laugh, and by the often silly and niave things she does which sometimes unintentionally are hilarious, i'm glad she makes me laugh too. if we didn't have laughter it'd be dull, and i'm happy she can laugh about herself every so often.


my partner 'treats' me once in a blue moon to a movie night in, which i like and she loathes. it's nice to know though that she realises i have wants and needs, the same way i take her shopping when there's nothing worse i can imagine doing on a saturday, that she's willing to do something she hates to see me happy. and that she wants to try to share some time with me.


sexually i can't comment, unfortunately for all her good points she's the most selfish and inconsiderate lover i've ever had, and i really have to be begged to be touched at times. the sex is infrequent, and i do all the work as she lays down 'like a princess' being serviced, if she were to change, even just a little, i would probably be the happiest man alive. oh and fyi, if you're 'out of action' for a week because it's that time of the month, me and my genitals still exist, you know?


friendship, i'm marrying my best friend. we have a lot in common at times, we both like sports and we always have something to chat about. we also have our separate interests though, so that's a nice balance. i think that really brings us closer both when we're sharing things, and when we take time for ourselves.



ok so... perfect woman

- funny, intelligent, sweet, caring and loving, with similar interests

except the sex is absolutely dire.


i suppose, over time, i can maybe get her up to an "ok" standard in that department, as everything else is too good and in my mind outweighs that single problem.

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Ahhh...the sex...the "holy grail" of commited men..


This may be part of the reason you're getting so little response....


Sex is VERY important to more men than women. At least their approach to prioritizing it in a relationship is...so even if she's otherwise a fantastic gf/wife, if the sex is lacking it's of a paramount concern and casts a shadow over the entire relationship...


DH and I have been together well over 20 years. To me several times a week is a pretty good trend considering the time & the fact that we have 2 small kids and a busy life...But I can guarantee you, he'd say "I'm pretty happy because.....I just wish she was more into sex"




Can't win.....

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I hate to rain on a thread that's supposed to be about happiness, but I am a committed, married man of 11 years. The dark part is that I'm really not happy about who my wife has become over the years.


At first, I was taken away by her shyness, her beauty, and her smile. She was younger, but as I got to know her I found that she was mature and intuitive. She was an athlete, competetive and self-motivated. She loved animals and a live for the moment attitude: it was love at first sight.


She treated me with respect and admiration. She knew I was smart and a hard worker, and looked up to me for my accomplishments.


Sexually, she was playfull and passionate. We used to wrestle and kiss for hours. I wanted nothing more than to please her.


She was also truly my best friend. She came to my hockey games, my graduation, and eventually we went to the same university. I did the same for her basketball and various ceremonies.


The sad part is that she doesn't make me feel important anymore. She has very little repect for me, and is jealous of the support I get from friends and family on my ability to provide, to stay healthy and active and of my parenting skills with our 3 children. Her own parents seem to disapprove of her behaviour and I am caught in the middle: they are right for the most part. Sex has become much like another poster said: her the princess in waiting. I try and spend time with her but she doesn't want to go out in public anymore: she like to watch reruns of the shows she watched when she was thinner and happier and complains that I don't find the same episodes funny the 4th time around. There's too much to go over without hijacking the post, but I hope it helps to go over the highlights.

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