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Herpes at 14?


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Why exactly should she worry? What good will that do?


She should get diagnosed, if she has Herpes then get the facts, get treatment, learn how to live with and deal with the virus and move on with her life.

IDK, maybe because she's having unprotected sex (or 'near' sex, which won't last long until it is full blown) at the AGE OF 14.
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Everyone who thinks Herpes is a painless mild condition should google image it (genital herpes). I work in the medical field and can tell you that yes, some people get off lucky but many others don't. If a 14 yr old girl has a reason to worry about Herpes obviously she could use a little scaring!! And the wait and see method that was mentioned? What happens if she DOES have it and does just "wait and see" and ends up giving it to a different 14 yr old boy? If she considers herself to be responsible enough to engage in sexual acts, even if she's not having actual sex, she needs to grow up and be responsible enough to take care of herself and her actions. Go to a doctor, get an STD scan, and if she plans on even being semi sexual with anyone else she should put herself on some sort of BC as a precaution.

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What happens if she DOES have it and does just "wait and see" and ends up giving it to a different 14 yr old boy?

Well, if she does have it, then she's always going to be at some risk of transmission, with or without medical attention. There's no cure down at the doctor's office, and herpes is one condition that condoms cannot fully protect against.


The best she (or anyone) could do in that case is to get educated about outbreaks and the likelihood of transmission, and even then its difficult (sometimes impossible) to recognize when the virus is shedding.

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Brownstone, I agree, I'm just saying at least she could warn her future partners about what they're getting into and take necessary precautions by at LEAST wearing condoms for any genital contact she may have from now on. I don't know about where you are but girls around my end often use BC pills as their ONLY form of contraceptive.

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Ignore sports fan, that info is totally wrong. Where are you getting your info from dude?! Hsv 1 and 2 are very similar and are generally MILD! Most people with either have no symptoms whatsoever! The ones that do get cold sores either orally or genitally ( let's be real hsv in either location is just that...a cold sore!) manage them with good diet/exercise/supplements and medication! With time the outbreaks lessen! Don't scare the girl!



Just because there's no symptoms doesn't mean it's a simple cold sore. HSV-2 consists of blisters, not cold sores. The two are the same until you get to symptoms. Most have HSV-1 and that's the cold sore. It's not painful. If you have HSV-2, then that is painful. Cold sores aren't painful, blisters are.

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Why would you want to scare her? She's probably terrified as it is. She needs help and constructive advice not scaremongering. It's too late to be sorry about it now, she just needs to see a doctor and find out if it is even herpes at all.

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Why would you want to scare her? She's probably terrified as it is. She needs help and constructive advice not scaremongering. It's too late to be sorry about it now, she just needs to see a doctor and find out if it is even herpes at all.



She was given help. She needs to get tested immediately. And for God's sake, she's 14. She has no business having sex at that age.

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You are most definitely WRONG about this!


Actually, no I'm not wrong. You can detect whether or not you have HSV-II, just by taking a blood test that look for antibodies to the virus that the immune system made while it was infected.

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Yes, you can test for Herpes when there isn't an outbreak. And, you can still pass herpes to a partner when you aren't having an outbreak.


Herpes symptoms vary from person to person. Some will never have an outbreak or show symptoms while others will have severe blisters and pain with their outbreaks.


The important thing is to get tested. Who knows...you may just have an ingrown hair if you shave (I get them all the time. They do look like pimples). So, it's not worth worrying about until you get properly tested.


If you can, ask a friend you trust to take you to a planned parenthood. Google a location. There is probably one closer to your home than you think. Get tested and tell them that you do not want your parent to know. They'll work it out with you to prevent your parents from finding out.

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Just because there's no symptoms doesn't mean it's a simple cold sore. HSV-2 consists of blisters, not cold sores. The two are the same until you get to symptoms. Most have HSV-1 and that's the cold sore. It's not painful. If you have HSV-2, then that is painful. Cold sores aren't painful, blisters are.


" * Type 1 herpes simplex virus is the usual cause of cold sores around the mouth. It also causes up to half of cases of genital herpes.

* Type 2 herpes simplex virus usually only causes genital herpes. It can sometimes cause cold sores." link removed


Cold sores: "...blisters appear which are usually sore....Cold sores can be very tender and painful." link removed


Genital Herpes: "...Many people infected...never have symptoms... If symptoms occur, they can range from a mild soreness to painful blisters on the genitals and surrounding area." link removed


To sum up, both the type 1 herpes simplex virus and the type 2 herpes simplex virus can appear on the lips AND on the genitals. A cold sore is a blister and can be painful. Cold sores are blisters appearing on the lips (caused by either type 1 or type 2). Genital herpes can range from no symptoms to mild soreness to painful blisters (caused by type 1 or type 2).

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Whether you have it or not, you need to get tested. And yes, you should worry. This isn't chlamydia where it can be cured and eliminated. Herpes does not go away and HSV 1 and 2 are not even close to being the same. HSV-1 is simply a cold sore. You get 1 cold sore and it's not painful at all. It's simply an inconvenience. HSV-2 on the other hand is multiple outbreaks and they are very painful. You can't compare a simple cold sore(1) and pus-filled blisters on your privates(2).


See, this is exactly the type of misinformation I was talking about. This is pretty much all false. Both HSV-1 and 2 outbreaks can be either mild or severe. They are both "cold-sores" that simply appear in different locations. Both can have outbreaks on both the mouth and genitalia, however HSV-1 outbreaks are less common on genetalia and HSV-2 outbreaks are less common on the mouth.

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if we do get tested for herpes, but do not have a blister right now, will the test be true? because , i have heard, only when outbreak occurs, like when blister shows up, test will give the correct result.

does any one know the name of the test to be taken , when one does not have a blister, but the blister occurred before, for like 3-4 times, only a single blister, but at the same location.

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if we do get tested for herpes, but do not have a blister right now, will the test be true? because , i have heard, only when outbreak occurs, like when blister shows up, test will give the correct result.

does any one know the name of the test to be taken , when one does not have a blister, but the blister occurred before, for like 3-4 times, only a single blister, but at the same location.


The test checks for antibodies that are produced by your body to fight the virus, so yes, even if there is no outbreak you can be tested.

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hi, one more doubt. I just smooched him once. 2 yrs back. immediately in 2 days, i got a blister (red sore) below my lower lip. I never knew about herpes that time . after 3 months, got a sore at my labia majora ( not inside the vagina) . it went. wasnt painful .

then recurred after few months. again went off. whenever i touched it, i felt it was a lump inside , and not on the skin. and so , i thot its just something like a cyst. but, recently, i got a red swollen thing again. this time, it was itchy during urination. and vaginal discharge too was there. it went away after around 2 weeks. I had applied ointment.

The guy whom i smooched 2 yrs back, I told him to get himself tested for herpes, he did. His result was negative .ie he din't have it. not even syphillis. so what are the chances, after reading my symptoms, that i would be having it?

no sex , no oral sex, nothing. just a smooch.

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If you think you have herpes, get tested as soon as you have any symptoms. Blood tests can be used to detect a herpes infection when someone doesn’t have symptoms, but are only used in certain cases. A test involves a general examination of the genital area to look at any blisters or sores. To confirm you have herpes, a swab (like a cotton bud) is used to take a sample of fluid and cells from the blister. They may have to gently break a blister to get a sample of the fluid inside. When someone doesn’t have symptoms (such as blisters or sores) a blood test may be used to look for antibodies to the virus. However there are a number of problems with these tests, and they may give false positive or false negative results, so they are not routinely used everywhere to diagnose genital herpes.

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Herpes doesn't spread to other locations generally. It is extremely unlikely to get genital herpes from kissing. If you got HSV-1 or 2 on your mouth, that is where further outbreaks would be located. I'm not a doctor though, just someone who has taken an interest in herpes transmission as my girlfriend has it and I don't. There are lots of great resources online:


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Great info. Tests when you are not having an outbreak are indeed much less reliable.

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This is the information I was given at the hospital. I remember them saying that once the outbreak had passed the results would certainly come back negative but this does not necessarily mean that you don't have the virus and that no other tests can be done to find out if you have the virus until another outbreak occurs.


Since so many of you believe a blood test can be done, maybe the reason they told me this is because I live in the UK and the NHS do not do further tests?


Either way, if I am wrong on this I apologise.

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She was given help. She needs to get tested immediately. And for God's sake, she's 14. She has no business having sex at that age.


She didn't have sex with him, she gave him a blowjob. 14 year olds are sexually active and lecturing them on how they shouldn't be will only serve to make them talk to adults less if they have a problem, because they do and will. Ditch the lecture.

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Hun go to a doctor. I found out I have herpes through a pap smear and I didn't have an outbreak. Also I have the antibodies for it in my blood. For the most part it's not a big deal. I've been lucky and have only had one tiny outbreak. The doc will give you a prescription to get rid of your sores if you have them. It's annoying and embarrassing but it's not the end of the world. It happens. You just have to grow up and deal with it. As for telling your parents, I would hold off. I haven't told mine yet because it's not something I think they should know about me. But honestly, sex at 14? Smoking? Drinking? Granted I lost my virginity at 15 so I guess I don't have room to talk with that one but the smoking and drinking thing is kind of pathetic. Settle down before you get into anymore trouble!! You're young. Enjoy it before something major happens like getting pregnant (I had my first baby boy at 15 and he didn't make it) or alcohol poisoning or whatever.


But seriously, go see a doctor.

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She didn't have sex with him, she gave him a blowjob. 14 year olds are sexually active and lecturing them on how they shouldn't be will only serve to make them talk to adults less if they have a problem, because they do and will. Ditch the lecture.


Actually, I've run accross several kids who have said they appreciated having 'the talk' with me that their parents never took time to have; and adjusted their activity (according to DD19) accordingly.


Kids DO LISTEN to adults.

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This is the information I was given at the hospital. I remember them saying that once the outbreak had passed the results would certainly come back negative but this does not necessarily mean that you don't have the virus and that no other tests can be done to find out if you have the virus until another outbreak occurs.


Since so many of you believe a blood test can be done, maybe the reason they told me this is because I live in the UK and the NHS do not do further tests?


Either way, if I am wrong on this I apologise.


There are blood tests that can detect if you have HSV. They can just check for the antibodies. However, most places won't do blood tests because they figure if you're not having outbreaks then there's no point. Think about it; if you're not having an outbreak, and they diagnose you through a blood test, what then? It's not like they can cure you. They only way you can get a blood test done for it is if the money comes out of your own pocket. Planned parenthood also told me that it can't be transmitted unless you're having an outbreak. However that's a bunch of bs IMO.


Also, I don't think having HSV is the end of the world, but to those saying not to worry about it because it's not a big deal, do you really think it's not a big deal to have a disease that can be transmitted to others? I honestly find that shocking.

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