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Please Help me Win the Love of my life Back!! NEED EVERYONES POV


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First lets talk about how amazing my ex-boyfriend (who i am pray will come back to me soon) is hes kind, sweet, good looking, he truly cares about me. hes pretty much everything i have ewver wanted in boyfriend. he offically broke up with me 2 days ago. and we were together a little over a month.


second if hes so perfect to me than why do i keep * * * * ing up? and is always my fault becauses of the choices i make.


first time he broke up with me was because his ex girlfriend said she loves him on her facebook status so my bff sees that and she cusses him out. and me being really drunk doesnt help. I wasnt listening to him and all i wante to do was lay down on the ground guess cops were coming and he was tryna get me up but i was being a * * * * * cuz i got hurt really badly and then some random guy picks me up and takes me inside to the party and i was smiling at the guy and calling him my boyfriends name. so he got mad at left. i woke up the next morning and didnt know what the * * * * happened at all! called him first thing and he said hedidnt want to talk to me but wouldnt tell me what happened we talked things through and then later that day spoke to my bff about the night before and found out what happened and my friend made it seem like he was just being an * * * * * * * and igot mad and broke up with him via text message then we got back together like the next day


second time because i got too drunk and he saw me making out with some guy


now this time because i told him about i had sex with guy that he knows and found out i got chamlydia from him. he says he just cant look at me the same


this is the problems we have in our realationship:

im nervous around him and cant seem to tell him anything

he doesnt trust me

my drinking

my image(pretty much thinks im a * * * * )

thats all i can think of right now

him and my bff HATE EACHOTHER


other than that crap we are so perfect for eachother and we are so compatabile he said hes looking for a serious relationship and so am i. he said he wants to marry me eventually. I wanna be with him. how can I show him that i want to be with him? how do i get him back? i need him back! he makes me so happy.


This is my first serious relationship and I love him. PLEASE HELP ME!

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first serious relationship???? he thinks you look like a (******)? anything that needs to be covered by asterixes.... well cannot be good.


GET out of there..........


you do not sound mature enough for any rship with a guy at the moment.


you cant get him back.... and nor should you.. there is so much wrong here


(assuyming you are seriosu of course!!)

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first serious relationship???? he thinks you look like a (******)? anything that needs to be covered by asterixes.... well cannot be good.


GET out of there..........


you do not sound mature enough for any rship with a guy at the moment.


you cant get him back.... and nor should you.. there is so much wrong here


(assuyming you are seriosu of course!!)

but I want to be with him

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you did too much damage..... i do not think you can expect anyone to take you back after waht you put him through...


if he does take you back after ALL that....... well he is weak and sad and you wouldnt want that anyway.


consequences to your actions hey...... you have to accept it.

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You're too young for all this drama, though I have to point out, all of this is your fault, and all alcohol related. why not stop drinking for a bit and get your head straight?


personally though if you cheated on me within a month, and caught the claps from it.... there's absolutely no way I'd take you back, not in a million years.


you come accross as very immature and egocentric, like i said - take some time off the liquor and try to sort yourself out a bit before deciding if you want to pursue this guy. You're only young, you'll make mistakes - but the most important thing is that you learn from them.

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you did too much damage..... i do not think you can expect anyone to take you back after waht you put him through...


if he does take you back after ALL that....... well he is weak and sad and you wouldnt want that anyway.


consequences to your actions hey...... you have to accept it.

Thanks for making me feel even worse about myself but we so great together I think i deserve one more chance!

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You're too young for all this drama, though I have to point out, all of this is your fault, and all alcohol related. why not stop drinking for a bit and get your head straight?


personally though if you cheated on me within a month, and caught the claps from it.... there's absolutely no way I'd take you back, not in a million years.


you come accross as very immature and egocentric, like i said - take some time off the liquor and try to sort yourself out a bit before deciding if you want to pursue this guy. You're only young, you'll make mistakes - but the most important thing is that you learn from them.

i didnt cheat on him i had sex with that guy that he know before i met him and the kissing thing i was really drunk. I quit drinking forever. not because of that but because im a muslim and its againt my religion to drink

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i didnt cheat on him i had sex with that guy that he know before i met him and the kissing thing i was really drunk. I quit drinking forever. not because of that but because im a muslim and its againt my religion to drink


Being "really drunk" is absolutely NO EXCUSE for kissing someone else.


Look, I don't mean to make you feel worse, but this is a lost cause. You two were together for one month and all this happened? Don't you think that's a bad sign?? I agree with the other posters here: You do not sound mature enough for a serious relationship at this time.

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Some breakups everyone can tell will never work. I think this is one of them. You simply messed up too much, and now he doesn't want you back. You probably should just accept that, regardless of how much you want him.

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Thanks for making me feel even worse about myself but we so great together I think i deserve one more chance!


Honestly, it doesn't matter if YOU think you deserve another chance. What matters here, is if HE thinks you do.


Clearly, he doesn't.


You can't MAKE someone love you or want to be with you. If you honestly think you've learned from this, well then, your NEXT boyfriend will benefit from it, and hopefully so will you....


Lesson learned. Don't let it go to waste.



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i understand where all you are coming from but I still think we deserve a one last chance together. you guys dont understand hwo great everything is btween us when were together. Im done drinking and ready to be serious with him. I dont think ill every meet a guy like him every again i cant give u ptoo easily. I still have hope!

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i understand where all you are coming from but I still think we deserve a one last chance together. you guys dont understand hwo great everything is btween us when were together. Im done drinking and ready to be serious with him. I dont think ill every meet a guy like him every again i cant give u ptoo easily. I still have hope!


If you've changed, then prove it. Live your life, improve yourself, and don't drink anymore. Maybe he will see that and come back. But honestly, I doubt it after everything that happened.

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