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The importance of dressing your best in daily life


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Interesting. I simple don't value fashion that much. I think some guys look great with just T shirts, shorts and flip flops. Though fair enough, a nice shirt will be better - clothes do make a difference.


For me I usually just throw on a summer dress, never bothered with accessories. But I make sure my makeup looks good.

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Interesting. I simple don't value fashion that much. I think some guys look great with just T shirts, shorts and flip flops. Though fair enough, a nice shirt will be better - clothes do make a difference.


For me I usually just throw on a summer dress, never bothered with accessories. But I make sure my makeup looks good.


Yeah, I think this sums me up too. I just don't care about fashion. Or about making an effort to get noticed by females. That said, I've never had a problem, so I've probably never considered what things a person would have to do if they wanted to be noticed more often. Never gave a second of thought to how I dress other than in a work context where you know there's a dress code. In a way, I think cultivating some look for the purpose of getting noticed seems desperate - it's certainly a turn off to me when I see a female who is obviously dressed a certain way for the purpose of getting noticed. Then, how long do you have to maintain this thrift store thing? Doubtful that dress code is going to be appropriate for the rest of your life, Through various jobs and stages of life, so I'd hate to think someone was attracted to me by something(my choice of clothes) that I know is going to change anyway.

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I wouldn't say I care about fashion either. Most trends and fads, I don't like and don't follow.


But, what looks good on you is pretty much timeless. And, it has nothing to do with people liking you for the way you dress but not allowing your outside appearance to interfere with people interacting with you.

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You will not get noticed by the opposite sex if you're just in t-shirt , jeans, or something very neutral.


I think it goes without saying that dress/attire can accentuate certain parts of the body and enhance attraction, but personally speaking I have never found it to be a hugely significant factor. ie, it only slightly increases or decreases my attraction to someone. A hot guy, to me, is still hot regardless of whether he's wearing t-shirt/jeans or something else. Attraction to me is mostly centred around the face/upper body, and that's not something that changes much with clothing.

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