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ok there this girl i have been her friend for 4 years.... and shes 13 and im 16 and i've known her since i came to this new school.... and shes friends with a alot of guys... and in sept i told her i liked her.. and she said she liked me as a friend.. and we still were friends but she never payed attention to me as much so i told her and we got into this figth... and we can never talk in person cause i go to a muslim school and boy can't talk to girls.... and so.... she knows i still like her... she knows and i talked to some people and they talked to her and they said she likes me but she thinks shes too young to date and shes really religious and stuff and so is her mom and her sister looks out for her and her sisters 15.. and now it's summer and im leaving the school and for her b-day i told her i was gonna buy her a purse but she got sad and told me not to the reason why i chose to buy her a purse is because one day i saw her after school in her best clothes... and she had this crappy plastic purse and i thougth she desvered beter...then i threw her a b-day party and she loved it then after the b-day party she told me she actaully wanted the purse and i lied and said i actaully bougth it... then i bougth this Louis Vuitton purse for her.... but i never got a chance to give it to her cause we talked through email and my school found out and said to stop it.... and i havn't talked to her to gve her the purse and now im leaving the school and i don't know how to give her the purse.... i visit her in summer school but she just looks at me then looks down... and if i go to the summer school and give her the purse everyone will see and so will her sister and if her sister doesn't her mom will ask her where she got it... i wanted to ship it to her but i don't know her address and her mom once again.... and i didn't buy this purse so she can like me... i know if i get a personal genie she won't like me.... people say she does like me but i don't believe all the guys i talked to called me stupid for buying the purse and the girls called me romantic i bougth this purse as a reward.. she believes in god so much but so much bad things happened to her... but shes nice and kind and generous and sweet and she takes care of the little kids at lunch and all that.... and shes the one that says hi to the kid no one talks to(me).... and the thing is i believed she desvered this for all that... i look up to her as a religious role model sort of.... and i know she wanted this purse and i know she wants to talk to me but she got in tourable for something and she can't use the phone(i never call her my friend does) or email but i don't know for how long.... and when i do email her i don't know if she blocked me or she deleted my email or she can't read them... and i can get her the purse and i can give it to someone to get it past her sister and give it to her but i don't think she'll ccept shes too nice too accept and the persons going out of town july 6 and i don't think the purse will come in by then i got it from the internet and her mom is gonna ask where she got the present from... i know if i get into contact with her she'll tell me what to do.... but...... she hasn't emialed me for a while... since we got in tourable for talking.... so... someone gave me a good idea to hold the ppurse for her until after the summer and talk to her in sept when im in a different school and i can meet her in the mall or something and give it to her but theres no way i can meet her in private accept at my school and i can't meet her at the mall cause her mom or sister is always with her at the mall... but i can't contact her... thanks for reading give me ideas. and my teacher told me to wait until i get into university and come back and talk to her parents and ask her hand in marriage.... but i don't know i want to marry her but not at this age.... i made a self promise to my self not to like any girls until after i pass medical school or age of 26 because then if i find the true love of my life and she has to move or something i don't want to lose her.... and shes the only exception because the girl i was planning to marry at 26 i met now... HELP ME!!! thank you.. you can IM me at: Skiii69420

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True love wins out, now and always. If this is meant to be, dear soul, you will get your chance to see her and speak with her. Trust in the providence of God...that He knows what you desire, ,and that He will provde for you. Patience and fortitude, my friend. In September, you may get your chance to give her the purse. Why not write a note to give along with the purse. Ler her know what is in your heart. Love is a risk--and having loved, you have gained........

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It sounds like a hard situation to be in...but you'll get through it. If you truly do love this girl, despite her age, then I'm sure you'll find a way to give the purse to her. Also, one day you'll be able to be with her, without any worries in the world. I'm sure of it! Good luck!

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