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The reason I believe B gets away with all he does is that he is handsome. I seriously doubt an admitted rapist and sociopath would get so many hugs from the ladies without the looks. If only he could have been a plain old ugly guy, WW wouldn't be in this predicament.


Are you serious? From the way WW writes about B's appearance and hygiene, he doesn't seem like a handsome guy at all. At least from what WW writes about him.

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WW - Can't you just find another church and move on from B?


I think we have all asked that, well those who have responded to her posts, and I for one who has commented would love to stand before WW and say : WAKE UP!


WW, I know that you feel that people are attacking you here but they aren't. We are trying to show you that these behaviors are not normal. B is a human being who has sexual urges just like any other man, and he has decided not to be with you. If he was a sexual deviant as you claim, he would be on a watch list, and not allowed within 50 feet of that church. Or around children under the age of 17, and restraining orders would be enforced. Wouldn't you know that from your so called church family who basically forced you to stay with him?


He is not a sociopath as well, and no one in his family or your church can determine that. Having the thrill of a new relationship and getting bored with it after a while is common, heck if that was the case most of us would be sociopathic. But again, he is not your problem anymore. You have a tendency to be in co-dependent relationships that in the end do not serve you any good. The fact that you cannot see it with your own eyes is starling. It is you who you should be worried about, not him.


Leave the church, your pastor is no more a psychiatrist than dr phil is. In six months to a year when your head is clear and you can see reality, you can look back and say : what the heck was i thinking? And be happy that you made the change.

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WW, I'm sure it seems like we're all "ganging up" on you, but honestly just try to look at everyone on here agreeing that you need to leave the church, or at least that that environment is not healthy for you. When everyone has the same opinion of a situation, it's usually a good idea to at least examine the situation and see if we might be right - just because there's often wisdom in the crowd.


Even though your church made you feel better about the situation with B, you also have to see that the church GOT you into this whole mess with B and his addictions (which I'm still confused about, is he currently hiring prostitutes?! raping?!). You shouldn't have to have dealt with this AT ALL in the first place. Church has created so much drama in your life that you shouldn't be involved in.


The fact that you still continue to talk to B while thinking he is a rapist, child molester and sociopath is VERY troubling to me. If you truly believe that, why aren't you running the other way? And why is no one reporting him to the police? I believe pastors have a duty to report violent crimes committed even if they were told to them in confidence. But let's forget about B, why are you still so attached to a criminal sociopath? You should not want to touch him with a ten foot pole, and if the only way to get away from him is to leave the church, then go go go as fast as you can.

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Are you serious? From the way WW writes about B's appearance and hygiene, he doesn't seem like a handsome guy at all. At least from what WW writes about him.


Yes, he is handsome. She told us recently that he is 8 out of 10 in the looks department. And he schmoozes all the kiddies at church to win them over and is quite good at it. It's just sickening the way all the ladies are sitting around crying over a man that is likely exposing himself in public. Human nature is such a mystery. He seems to have the whole congregation eating out of his hand.

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So it's ok for you be judgemental by calling his actions sociopathic and deeming B as a rapist, etc...yet you are demanding that we cannot state our opinions of the situation??


I thought one of the main Christian beliefs were not to judge?? This congregation seems to be doing BUT judging this guy...


I don't get this at all

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yeah, i'm still confused on what is up with this guy - if he's a rapist/molester or just a guy with a normal sex drive?


WW - please do strongly consider leaving the church, if only for a few months or a year. I'm sure if you tell other church members about this, they'll tell you that we are instruments of Satan or something. That is not the case. We're not trying to lead you away from your faith, but rather to a house of worship without so much drama. I just can't imagine walking into church and B is first on your mind. That really isn't what church and worshipping should be about. It's just so much drama. I HIGHLY recommend you find another church to go to so you can get away from the "B Drama" - at least until you are over him, and then you can go back there. Between that drama and the drama with his ex-gf at the church, and all of that, how do people ever get any praying done? Don't make things harder on yourself than they need to be. And it will be nice to find a safe "place" for yourself where you can focus on your spiritual issues rather than someone else's.

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