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Are you disgusted with your body?


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Well I am on a mission to reduce my weight. But because of various reasons, my exercise hasn't had much impact on my weight. I am 210 lbs.


Anyway it is just disturbing how my body looks. That is not how a MAN looks. Everytime I am naked, I just can't look at myself in the mirror. I gaze longingly at these footballers in the world cup with their perfect bodies.


I am trying to feel happy for the fact that I am doing exercise but I feel so depressed every time I look at my body. I feel so dirty being attracted to women considering I am not really a MAN myself. I tried to tune myself to be attracted to men but it just seems so empty and passionless.



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exercise is like 10% of weight loss.


90% is diet


Depends on the person, really.


For me, it doesn't matter WHAT I eat, if I exercise like a dog, the pounds will come off. But if I stop exercising so much and still diet, I won't lose much, if anything.


Anyway, yeah I hate my body. It's something I try not to dwell on. I think i'm fat. That's all I see in the mirror. FAT FAT FAT. Thankfully, I love food too much to be an anorexic. Plus, I think my boyfriend would be very unhappy if I got TOO skinny.


My mom called me fat today so I am off being down on myself. Don't mind me.

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Well I am on a mission to reduce my weight. But because of various reasons, my exercise hasn't had much impact on my weight. I am 210 lbs.


Anyway it is just disturbing how my body looks. That is not how a MAN looks. Everytime I am naked, I just can't look at myself in the mirror. I gaze longingly at these footballers in the world cup with their perfect bodies.


I am trying to feel happy for the fact that I am doing exercise but I feel so depressed every time I look at my body. I feel so dirty being attracted to women considering I am not really a MAN myself. I tried to tune myself to be attracted to men but it just seems so empty and passionless.




Man... cheer up. 210 lbs is not something that you can't recover from. Also why would you even consider changing your sex preference just cause of how you look? That is something that is completely out of context.


Look, you need to create a calorie deficit. Check out this guy in youtube, the things he says make perfect sense to me, and have helped me exercise/look better.





Keep working out and dieting in a manner that is balanced. It takes time, but it's worth it.

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if your seriously disgusted with your body then put in the effort. Research about diet and exercise, don't even bother doing one unless your going to do the other they work hand in hand.


workout at the gym hardcore and eat a healthy diet you'll get there eventually but you have to stick with it no matter how long it takes. If your seeing no progress then you're not doing good enough and need to switch things up.

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Yeah, I am actually. If I'm not ultra thin, I'm not happy with the way I look. I'm not even overweight, but I'm so curvy (boobs and hips) that I feel like a freak most of the time. "A few extra pounds" doesn't look good on me.


The problem is that in order to remain very thin I have to be hungry...all the time, and that's not sustainable for me.

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I've been disgusted before. It was that feeling that made me actually change what I was doing (eliminate emotional eating, overeating, large portions and laziness).


So I started a weight loss Journal on this site and started to get my ass in gear.


The first thing you should do is see a doctor and have some routine bloodwork done to be sure there is no medical reason for your weight gain (like thyroid disease, diabetes, etc)


Start to keep a food Journal so you can see what you are eating on an average day.

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I gaze longingly at these footballers in the world cup with their perfect bodies.



I also want to mention that you should set realisitic goals. Most people cannot strive to have the body of an athlete. There are reasons why athletes are professionals. They have good/lucky genetics and nothing but time to spend on training and having their personal chefs and nutritionists prepare they specially engineered meals. We all can't do that.


Every person has a unique body-type and you have to strive to reach YOUR highest potential. Don't try to emulate an athlete.

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I agree with belladonna. I don't think that's particularly realistic.



My ex had a crazy body, but he spent a lot of time in the gym and fitness, (break) dancing and sports were his thing. they were his hobbies, so obviously, it wasn't work for him.


for a normal person, spending that much time in the gym/working out usually means crazy.



personally, i guess i have felt "disgusting", but it's more or less a personal image issue. i would like to tone up though. i dont want to lose weight, just want to keep under 140. maybe 130, mayybe.

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I've got a bit of a muffin top and could tone up my chest a little. I felt disgusted at the beach the other day seeing all those other fat/overwright people, about 1/5 were like that. I find working out to be stupid boring, going for a run a couple times a week does me just fine.

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I'm trying to lose some weight, around 20 pounds would be ideal. Though I'm not all that I ashamed of my body, I still look pretty muscular and have some good tone, and have no ones ever really insulted my looks (not that many compliments either though).


I'm more disgusted with my level of fitness. I'm always ashamed if I find myself running out of breath just from jogging up a few flights of stairs or whatever else. I've been doing a lot to change that this summer though. Here's a really cool project that burns a lot of calories and gives that natural v shape torso:


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Also look up two hundred situps and two hundred squats, etc there. I'm doing all of them right now and its been great for looks, confidence, and fitness.

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I don't think I've ever felt disgust over my body. That's a strong word, disgust! Sure, I've felt less than enthused over results and new pounds or a few wrinkles and stuff, but never disgusted.


After you work out, are you looking for the good or at all the work you think still needs to get done? After working out is some of the best time for me as far as loving my body - even if I'm not in tip top shape. You can feel your blood pumping and muscles all taunt and strong. That's the best!


Try and look at what your body does for you rather than what it looks like. It does a hell of a lot, and even with extra weight it is strong as hell bc it is so resilient it can take a licking and keep on going. It's really pretty incredible, if you think about it.


If you take the backwards momentum and get it going forward, it's all golden. Years of unhealthy living takes time to reverse. Give yourself a chance to enjoy getting there without becoming obsessed with what is over and done. You are the size you are now, and that is a reflection of your past. Fix your vision on how you will be, look, and what your body will do as you move into this new lifestyle.


And if you are not build like a footballer, try finding someone who has your body type and similar likes in terms of activity as more of a role model than those dudes. I don't fixate on looking like a Kate Moss, cause I'll never get there (and don't really want to even tho I think she is beautiful). I looked for women with bodies similar to mine performing at what would be similar to my personal best, and let them help me push me forward to see what I could do if I put in the effort. It's just nice to know that level is possible if you want it bad enough, and it is.

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