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what's up with that. she left me, she with someone else. she's basically telling me what a great guy he is. how much happier she is now. then she says you loose. now i move on and she telling me l love you but i don`t forgive you.

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Exes are like wounded animals. Have you ever seen how wounded animals act? Ever tried to pet one or pick it up? They show their teeth, lash out - they are hurt. Take it with a grain of salt, see beyond the illusion of their actions. Even if they've convinced themselves for now that they aren't hurting, unless you were an abusive terror of a boyfriend that they truly needed to escape, they are hurting and evaluating their whole life in a way that includes you as the primary measuring unit. Even if she says hes so much better than you, she's still using YOU as the base of comparison. If things go south, suddenly it's going to be how much better YOU were than him and so on and so on.

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unless you were an abusive terror of a boyfriend that they truly needed to escape, they are hurting...


I'd like to amend this and say it's likely even more true if you were abusive. Don't know why, but they always seem miss and run back to the abusive ones more than anyone else.

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I'd like to amend this and say it's likely even more true if you were abusive. Don't know why, but they always seem miss and run back to the abusive ones more than anyone else.


Just wondering what are you basing this statement on? Seems illogical. I am not disputing nothing just curious.

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Just wondering what are you basing this statement on? Seems illogical. I am not disputing nothing just curious.


Every woman I've ever met or heard about ever. I'm currently trying to talk one of my friends into soberly reevaluate her relationship with one of my sort-of friends. He's being controlling, cruel, and emotionally distant, hasn't done anything to really earn her love and hurting her a lot- they've been dating for about 2 months and she's a looker, so it's not like she's hopelessly tied to this guy. I'm not trying to break them up, but I'm trying to stop her from this "but I need him" mentality.


My girl left me for a piece of garbage, he used to be married to her best friend, she's traded it all in to be with him and he's just worthless - he's a drug dealing college dropout with no motivation to do anything but play WoW... and this is the absolute standalone most amazing girl I've ever met.


All the other women I know just *love* finding the wrong guy and no matter how much you tell them "I told you so," there they go again, everything goes exactly as you envisioned it would, all the warnings of strictly logical problems come to fruition, and you have to refrain from saying "I told you so."


I hate watching everybody around me hurt themselves because I'm just stuck - I can't offer advice because they don't listen, I can't come down on them when it's all over, and no matter how much I try to meet new people, I find everybody spinning in the same sick circles, making the same mistakes ignorantly and willingly. I'm all for taking a chance, but going for sure losers is something I sure don't understand and never will.

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Sounds like being a dbag is a good idea.


OP, sorry for hijacking your thread somewhat. My ex did same thing to me too. What ever your ex says remember you ex left you for some idiot ie chose to give up everything you put into this relationship.

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