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What you think about my behaviour?

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My bf couldnt chatt today because he had a bad cold so I called him for a few minutes so we could still talk today.It was just for 10 minutes since I was calling from my mobile and so it is pretty expensive.Anyway we couldnt say goodbye cause the credit finished before that so I told him I would put more credit and call back(when I heard the bip meaning that the credit was finishing).It wasnt working to put credit on my phone and after trying for about half hour without sucess I tried calling him from Skype.Until I had put credit on my Skype account and was ready to call it had passed almost one hour since I said I would call already.Anyway he didnt answer the Skype call,I thought it was because he didnt know it was me(I had never called him from Skype before) so I texted him saying it was me.We were having problems with texts since yesterday so Im not even sure if he got it.Anyway I tried a few more times and he still didnt answer.I tried puting credit on my mobile again and it worked this time so I called him from my mobile and he still didnt answer.


Thinking about my behaviour I think it was a bit desesperate maybe,so what you think about it?

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Desperate? Perhaps.

My thinking was if he wasn't up for chatting to begin with, the fact that you continued to try and chat and make calls that does sound a little desperate!


He knew your minutes were running out, I'm sure he would have figured out that something wasn't going right and would talk to you tomorrow, or when he's feeling better and you can then clarify what occurred...

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I am speechless..Why did you call him so many times? Guys don't like that, he could call if he wanted to. Sometimes it's best to just let something be.


Because I had told him I would call back so we could say goodbye since we didnt have time for it before.Anyway thinking back about it maybe I should have just left it when puting credit on my mobile didnt work right?


I wonder why he didnt answer,I think it was strange since he knew I would call back.Anyway like I said I didnt call until almost one hour later so he probably thought I wouldnt call anymore and went away from his mobile or anything like that I think.

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Desperate? Perhaps.

My thinking was if he wasn't up for chatting to begin with, the fact that you continued to try and chat and make calls that does sound a little desperate!


He knew your minutes were running out, I'm sure he would have figured out that something wasn't going right and would talk to you tomorrow, or when he's feeling better and you can then clarify what occurred...


I know what you mean but for a chatt you need to be sitted behind your computer for hours what isnt much nice to do when you have a bad cold and talking on the phone he could do lying in bed so that is why I thought wouldnt be so bad.

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It's not nice being told that they don't want to chat, I can understand that but calling anyway was just the wrong thing to do, and it was made much worse by calling over and over. Some people just want to be left alone when they are ill and he probably got annoyed and that's why he didn't answer.


I'd really work on this issue because if it continues, you are just going to puch him further away and he will eventually leave the relationship.

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What strikes me here is not that you wanted to fulfill your promise of calling him to say goodbye -- you wanted HIM to say goodbye to YOU. Otherwise you wouldn't have tried repeated texts and then another mobile call. And you wouldn't be wondering why he never answered.


I understand not wanting to appear as though you were flaking on him by not calling back, but was there no simple way of communicating that you ran out of minutes and look forward to talking with him tomorrow? What about a short email?


Honestly, when someone has a bad head cold, all they want to do is get rest. He probably didn't pick up because he was sleeping.

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So what I should do now? I not even had a chance to explain what happened but I think that if I continue to call it just going to make it worse.I sent a text saying sorry for had took so long to call back and that it wasnt working to put credit on my mobile.But like I said before Im not sure if he got it cause we were having problems with texts.

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Don't call or text him now, he will contact you when he wants to. You don't need to explain, stuff like that happens all the time in LDR. If nothing else he should call when he saw it was taking you so long. I suggest you just do something else to take your mind of it.

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I agree with quirky. Also, your behavior suggests you think he's going to be mad at you, but I'm not sure why he would be. It would be unreasonable of him to be mad. Technology fails all the time. Why is it that you feel such a need to hear him say that everything is OK?

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I agree with quirky. Also, your behavior suggests you think he's going to be mad at you, but I'm not sure why he would be. It would be unreasonable of him to be mad. Technology fails all the time. Why is it that you feel such a need to hear him say that everything is OK?


I just wanted to explain to him what happened,I mean if somebody says that will call back and doesnt that is strange.Anyway he probably figured that something happened that kept me from calling.I think he could have got bothered with my constant calling after that though.Anyway he usualy puts his mobile of or rejects the call when he is mad and not just doesnt answer like happened now,so he probably isnt mad and just was sleeping or anything like that when I called I guess.

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Yes, I'm sure the next time you talk, all will be just fine. At this point, just put a smile on your face and go enjoy the rest of the day. If there is any sort of problem, you and he will be able to deal with it together tomorrow, or whenever you communicate next. Take care of yourself.

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I just wanted to explain to him what happened,I mean if somebody says that will call back and doesnt that is strange.Anyway he probably figured that something happened that kept me from calling.I think he could have got bothered with my constant calling after that though.Anyway he usualy puts his mobile of or rejects the call when he is mad and not just doesnt answer like happened now,so he probably isnt mad and just was sleeping or anything like that when I called I guess.


I can see why it would bother you. You are in a relationship with him. You're not a robot. Of course you'd want to reach him to say good-bye. It's normal behavior. I know he wasn't feeling good, but he should pick up the phone. I could understand how you felt. I've experienced a lady who used to do that - not pickup the phone - and it was a power trip and head game. I don't know if your bf was doing that, but it's understandable why it would feel like an unsettling experience.


I don't think you were being 'clingy' or unstable. This ESPECIALLY true in a long-distance relationship, where you can't just go and see them. You need that communication to have that assurance things are OK.


Talk to your boyfriend about it.

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I still didnt hear from him.I wonder if he tried to text me and I just didnt get it maybe(that was happening yesterday and today).Anyway I decided to not go after him anymore and just wait for him to contact me.

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He had a cold. Even a stupid cold can make you feel a bit miserable and NOT in the mood for chatting, calling, etc. I know I'd rather be left alone when I'm sick.

So he probably had enough after that 10-min. phone call.

Let him be for a while until he feels better...see if he contacts you again!

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He had a cold. Even a stupid cold can make you feel a bit miserable and NOT in the mood for chatting, calling, etc. I know I'd rather be left alone when I'm sick.

So he probably had enough after that 10-min. phone call.

Let him be for a while until he feels better...see if he contacts you again!


I know what you mean,that is why I didnt call him this morning even though I felt like it.If he wants to be left alone me calling probably just will piss him off.I wish he would contact me(he still needs to explain why he didnt pick up the phone yesterday anyway) but like I said on my other post I dont see how since our main ways of contacts(text and chatt) arent possible now.

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I just called him and now I know what happened.He said he fall asleep yesterday and that is why he didnt answer my call.He also said that he is getting my texts fine but Im still not getting his though.It was a short talk(about 7 minutes or so) cause I didnt have much money on my mobile but anyway Im glad I got to know what happened now and that he isnt bothered

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