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DO you ever think of someone whose heart you broke?

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I've always been on the receiving end of a break up and really struggle to imagine how it might feel from the other side. I think about my ex a lot; I miss him when I feel lonely (I still haven't met someone new 2.5 years later) I wonder how he is and whether he is happy, he refused to speak to me after dumping me so I never got any answers and I still wonder what went wrong, I wonder how the love we had disappeared over night and how he could so eaily replace me, I wonder if I ever meant anything to him and I wonder if he ever thinks about me.


My rational mind knows I have finally moved on, the hurt lingers a little but I know if I met someone else now I'd be ready. I know that I miss him most when others around me are in relatioships and I feel sad that I am alone. I know now it is finally love, closeness, intimacy that I miss and no longer solely him. I have no intention of contacting him ever again and know he will not contact me.


He left me for someone else and refused to ever speak to me. I handled it badly and he was left hating me.


I would like to hear from people who have been the dumper and who knew they had broken the heart of the person they left - do you ever think of them? Particularly if you had someone else and were happy, does that just erase the ex? If you are not the one who is hurt, do you simply forget and get on with being happy?


Thank you for your time. I'm having a lonely day ;-(

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I can't speak from a dumper's side, but I am sure if you spent any real amount of time with him that he has not forgotten you. I also doubt you handled things in such a way that he would ever hate you. I'm sure he knew you were just hurting.

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I dumped my last ex and I am currently seeing someone else. To be honest, not a day has gone by that i have not thought of my ex and the great times we had. I like your ex left with no explanation and have ignored her every attempt at contacting me. I decided to go no contact with her because there were alot of of red flags in the relationship that were clearly deal breakers for me. I tried to talk to her about it to reach some sort of compromise but she had a "this is who i am, take it or leave it" attitude. I was forced to make a move so I did. I have been tempted to call her on many occasions but with the feelings i still have for her I know I would end up running back and nothing would be fixed. I also do not wish to contact her out of respect for the person I am currently seeing.


To answer you question though.....I think of her everyday and miss her horribly but it was not meant to be.

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We were together for 2 years. It felt pretty serious. Spent time with his family etc, said he loved me. Funnily enough, it was him who pushed it to be more serious all the way through. Only when he'd left did I wonder if it was a bit of a game for him. He'd always been so passionate. I fell really hard for him. I adored him.

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We were together for 2 years. It felt pretty serious. Spent time with his family etc, said he loved me. Funnily enough, it was him who pushed it to be more serious all the way through. Only when he'd left did I wonder if it was a bit of a game for him. He'd always been so passionate. I fell really hard for him. I adored him.



Well, I'm sure he did love you, and 2 years is a fair amount of time. I am guessing he knows he really hurt you and to contact you again would put salt in the wound. I am sure he knows how you felt about him, maybe still does know.

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hey there, gal, i am with you, gone thru this , same 2 yr old relationshiip, which he pushed more, than me, but i guess he took it more of a game, wen i realised i meant nothing the way he left me . i totally empathise u right now, and i so wish that he loves me and thinks about me daily, and that, one day he should come to me...please go thru my forum i need ur help please


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