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stopping pill half way through packet...


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I have been taking microgynon 30 contraceptive for about 10 years now. I occasionally take 2 packets back to back with no break if it is inconvenient. However I have recently taken 4 packets back to back for various reasons (holiday and new relationship). I am now 2 weeks into my fourth packet and I have having alot of breakthrough bleeding. I know that I need to have a break and have a period in order for this to stop. My question is this; if stop taking the pill now (2 weeks into the 4th packet)and have my 7 day break to allow myself a bleed, will I be protected when I start taking a new packet after the 7 days like usual. Or will it be like I have missed 7 pills in a row and therefore not be protected? I would have thought I would be protected having taken 3 and a half packets in a row as normally you only need to take 21 pills in a row before you have your break and you are still protected during your break and after.

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Are you on a monophasic or a tri-phasic pill? My guess would be that you would be protected if on a monophasic pill, because the dose of hormones is the same through-out the packet, so it's as if you'd been taking it at least three weeks in a row, but not if on a tri-phasic, because the level of hormones increases through-out the cycle.


To be honest, I think you should use condoms during 14 days - the seven days you are on your period and the 7 days following - just to be safe. Much better to be over-cautious than pregnant, IMO.

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It just that it would be better for me to have my period now rather than wait another week until I have finished the packet. Mainly because the breakthrough bleeding is getting on my nerves and I want to "clear myself out" so to speak. but also, the reason I have taken so many packets in a row is because I have started a new relationship with someone and we have just started sleeping together and I didnt want to have to say 'sorry, im on my period' because I find that a little embarrassing when its a new relationship...but I'm not seeing him this week so having me period now would be ideal, I just want to know that I will be protected the week after when I start taking the pills again. It makes sense that I would be protected as usually its 21 days on, 7 days off and you are protected through the 7 days and then afterwards too. so its just like taking 63 on then 7 off right?? surely at what point in the packet I stop doesnt count, it depends on how many pills I have taken in a row before stopping that matters?

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I had a doctor tell me once that your body doesn't know when the end of the pack is coming up, so it's fine.


I had to take an 8 day break once because I didn't realize I was running out and the campus clinic was closed. She told me I was still protected since my body doesn't know 7 days from 8, or 2 weeks from 4 on a monophasic.

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Um, if you monkey with your pills and hormones you'd best use condoms for a full month after starting to take them again after shifting your schedule. The advice doctors give whenever you fall off cycle and mess up the pill cycle, is that when you start a new pack, it is safest to use other protection for the first month just to be sure you don't get pregnant.


Don't take internet advice on 'safely' avoiding pregnancy by monkeying with your pills, because they don't know what kind of pills you are taking and are not doctors. There are lots of different types of pills and levels of hormones in the pills, so i'd ask your doctor to be sure based on the type of pills you are taking.

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