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After all that, it's over and I feel like I'll never move on...


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So an update after my last thread, he texted me on our 6 months saying : Happy 6 months for yesterday sorry it's late, i just got credit n i really really miss you i love you


So after having NC for practically two weeks, after reading that I was really happy, I replied and got no text back. He got back from his trip 2 days later (yesterday), still no reply. He went out to drinks with that girl even though he had told me he'd be too tired and jetlagged to see me. I went out last night and he called me while I was out, we both started crying on the phone. I got home we talked for an hour, and ended up getting back together. He said "This is my final decision, I've decided I'm going to stay with you, no matter what we can make this work". He changed his fb relationship status back to in a relationship and said "it's going to stay this way forever". Told me he loved me 3 times, even texted me at 4:45am because he couldn't sleep.


Today he told me he hasn't loved me in 2 months and it's over, he wants out. I changed my fb thing to single and he changed his too. It's really over, but it hasn't sunken in... I can't believe he could be so harsh...

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I'm sorry to hear about your breakup. i think you need to go no contact for now. Give him a chance to miss you and maybe change his mind. He seems to be confused and doesn't know what he wants. Some time apart will make him see things in a clearer light. I know its really hard, I've been through the same thing myself. Work on your appearance and confidence during the no contact period and go out with friends.

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I'm sorry to hear about your breakup. i think you need to go no contact for now. Give him a chance to miss you and maybe change his mind. He seems to be confused and doesn't know what he wants. Some time apart will make him see things in a clearer light. I know its really hard, I've been through the same thing myself. Work on your appearance and confidence during the no contact period and go out with friends.


He's very confused, and not just about us, about life too. He keeps randomly IMing me on msn, and I just reply to that and don't make convo. I really do hope he will realize what he's missing and come back, but it's probably wishful thinking. Especially since there are two other girls waiting to go out with him Thanks for your reply

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You need to start ignoring his lame contact. He messed you about with his back and forth behaviour. Now you need to toughen up and walk away. Do not allow him to drag you in again so that he can mess you about again.


You're absolutely right, but a small stupid part of me wants to be dragged back

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You're absolutely right, but a small stupid part of me wants to be dragged back

I completely understand how you feel, I was once there myself. Try to go no contact to give him time to miss you and get yourself together so that you don't appear too needy. If you feel you can't do no contact, go low contact. Try these links for advice.

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You're absolutely right, but a small stupid part of me wants to be dragged back


And when you let yourself get dragged back, he values you less because he knows he can have you whenever he wants you. Honey, you are worth sooo much more than that. Too many women I know are willing to accept substandard treatment from the men in their life and why?? Often because of fear. Fear of being alone, fear that they'll never find anyone else, and so on. Use this time of no contact to strengthen your realization that you deserve to be treated as something of value. Someone to be cherished, not taken as an afterthought.

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Ugh! Even if he did change his mind, should she really get back with this guy??


I wouldn't want to get back with someone who seems so wishy-washy. I think everyone deserves to be with someone who is totally THRILLED and happy to be with them, and not doubting the relationship all the time.


I'm sorry to hear about your breakup. i think you need to go no contact for now. Give him a chance to miss you and maybe change his mind. He seems to be confused and doesn't know what he wants. Some time apart will make him see things in a clearer light. I know its really hard, I've been through the same thing myself. Work on your appearance and confidence during the no contact period and go out with friends.
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I feel like HE thinks he's the one with the upper hand, which makes you feel helpless. I've been in a situation like this,and the best thing to do, is to go into no contact, and let him decide what he REALLY wants. While HE does that, try to decide if you really want HIM back. Just dont contact him and let him be for now.

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