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My bf hurt his back last night while setting down a heavy object. He is not having numbness, tingling, or shooting pain, but the localized pain is excruciating making it difficult for him to move about. We are doing RICE - Rest, Ice (on/off ten minutes 3x twice a day), Compress (will be purchasing), and well elevation for the lower back is not an option. He's been in bed all day and just to turn over is a slow and painful process for him, though when he's not moving he does not experience any pain.


He will be getting checked out, but in the meantime, I'm worried. Has anyone had this happen and have it go away with "RICE" and Ibuprofen?

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Yes...I was moving furniture. It did go away with "RICE" and Ibuprofen but boy did it hurt in the meantime. I was single then, and my friend had to come out and take care of me for three days. I was functional again after a week. It took about two weeks before I felt much better, and about six (?) before I felt completely better.

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Hey thanks, marshmlofluff. I swear I love this forum. Where else can you "go" at one in the morning with a question and get a response within the hour? Anyway, I'm glad you recovered. You're response definitely gives me hope and some peace of mind.

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Actually, a severe muscle spasm can be gotten over in a two or three days with prescription muscle relaxants, which you need to get from a doctor.


Advil will reduce the pain, but it won't necessarily stop the spasm, which is the source of the intense pain. Unfortunately only a doctor can prescribe a muscle relaxant strong enough to do that.


And if the spasm is severe enough, it can migrate around the back, i.e. other muscles start to spasm in sympathy to the injured one, because he is so tense from the pain and they are doing double duty because of the injured muscle. So what starts as a muscle spasm in one muscle can lock up the whole back for a long time if you don't nip it in the bud.


Also, you should only use ice at the very beginning, and from then on heat is what relaxes the spasm. So he needs to take hot showers and use a heating pad to relax the muscle. Also, elevation of the lower back doesn't make sense. The RICE you are talking is for a strained ankle or knee, not the back. Elevation is to reduce swelling in the extremities.


I suggest a trip to the doctor to fix this quickly and reduce his pain.

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Yeah, lavenderdove is right--it was late at night and when I said "RICE" I wasn't paying much attention--I just meant that the pain eventually took care of itself with non-heroic measures (hot baths, a heating pad, a back brace, occasional applications of Icy Hot, and lots of Advil.) I had just moved and for me finding and getting to a doctor right then was not really worth the hassle, especially as it was getting better fast--but you of course should go. A physical therapist may also give you a set of stretches to do that will help a lot.

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Well, we're following the instruction that I was given by my doctor when I had a neck injury and what I've read on the web for back injuries - RICE for the first 3 days (I already explained that elevation wouldn't be possible tho ideal for injuries the first 3 days) and then switch to heat and stretching, etc. thereafter. I also gave him the SOMA muscle relaxers I had left over from my accident and he's using one at night. His mom dragged him to a chiro/accupuncturist today (a friend who came in for her on the 4th of July) who confirmed it as a muscle strain. BUT, as to my question, I appreciate the response to know it is something he will recover from rather easily with a little time and rest.

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With muscular back injuries rest is the worst thing you can do because it will stiffen up and only cause more pain and problems. He needs to take regular painkillers and anti inflammatories and continue moving around.....nothing strenuous....just your normal walking around the house, gentle stretches ect. If he's getting spasms then he may need a muscle relaxant like Diazepam to add to the pain relief.

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