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My dream of Becoming Nurse

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Hello everybody this is Shanah , i have a dream of becoming NURSE from my childhood and i have decided to do Nursing Course in the AUSTRALIAN CENTRE OF FURTHER EDUCATION , before i could join this course im looking for your advice , can i go for this course?



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Hi, I'm a former male nurse and I'm not sure of the requirements in Australia, but in California there is a lot of waiting. Literally. The waiting lists are very long, unless you go through a private/skills college which are expensive, and often not even recognized!!!


As for the work itself, it is very open. Meaning, there are many opportunities where you can find your niche. I was just a general areas nurse that worked for a registry, where they would place me somewhere different every day. I worked 12 hour shifts, which mostly went by very quickly, but sometimes I did have some slow spots. It paid well, but I did burn out very quickly.


If it's something you have wanted to do since a child, go for it!! Through the coursework, I hope you find if it really is for you or not. That way you can decide before wasting time and energy if it isn't for you

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