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Reprogramming my brain

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Here's what is going through my head:


I deserve better



I can do better


I will do better


Than someone who's love was conditional for almost 6 years. Tried 3 times with her...feel like once the balance of power is shfted in their favor (ie: they break up with you)..and you go back...they can always (and will) do it again....

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I really agree. I was thinking today about something similar. When I met my ex, he had very little confidence and thought I was too good for him. Well he got me, things were ok for a while and he started changing. I feel that he gained his confidence because he got me after chasing me. And then of course he dumped me twice and got me back so easily.


I've been trying to tell myself those things too but it's just not working at all today.

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totes....matrix download that in your brain man!!..... the power struggle thing with some people getting in and out of relationships is totally sick...... It's not authentic and will not fill you with peace of mind. People like that should be as far away from the rest of us as possible.

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Ah is it just me or any of you feel disgusted by relationships right now lol I feel like ergh I don't want another one at all.

I totally deserved better. We all did. I'm so freaking mad right now I could slap someone!

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Thing I can't get is why would you breakup with someone you were having the hottest sex of your life with? This was the case...no eggageration.




same here he used to say stuff like oh baby that was great and you're all mine. we too had it good but only up until we moved intogether but it did decline over the six months in my situation due to the neighbours making life unbearable with their noise.i lost my libido and that was end .I pretty much think he may have stayed if the sex had still been good.but my situation affected me so badly that I basically lost my libido where the previous 3 yrs it had been very high.I actually couldn't bleieve I had lost it completely.how does that happen i just didn't feel anything

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People change. People always change.


When someone feels an emotion, they express it. And usually when you're feeling an emotion, it feels like it's never going to change. Right? Think about the last death in the family? Did you think you'd ever get over it at the time? Probably not.


Same goes for people with their proclamations of love. Some might not mean it when they say it. Some might have completely different views of love.


And others still truly do mean it when they say it. And then it changes.

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Thing I can't get is why would you breakup with someone you were having the hottest sex of your life with? This was the case...no eggageration.


Something I have also often wondered about...well, OK endlessly wondered about. Was he lying to me? He said things to me about our sex life that I had never heard before and frankly, am somewhat embarrassed to write about in a public forum. But suffice it to say, he alluded it to being some of the most intense, pleasurable experiences of his life and hands down, it was the same for me. This September it will be two years of celibacy for me (well, save for one night I had a roll in the hay with an old flame - and it was so awful that I decided against THAT again). I still see my ex for work usually about 1-3x/month. I am getting almost 5.5 weeks off from him until August when I see him again, the longest period of No Contact since it ended.


Hate to say I'm still plagued by the memories and haven't found a suitable replacement. I've kissed a couple other people briefly and was turned off. The kissing with him was OFF the charts. ](*,)


But as they say, sex isn't everything. Obviously it wasn't enough for them to stay with us.


This is my last year with the group and I know with 6-12 months of full No Contact I'll be able to finally put the memories behind me. I hope the same is true for you!

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I totally deserved better. We all did. I'm so freaking mad right now I could slap someone!


LOL this made me laugh!!!! We all deserve better. If only we could have done something about it and got out sooner or never went back to the headwreckers!

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