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blocked her and all her friends on fb!

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I had been struggling lately because even tho she wasnt my friend on facebook i would still see her thumbnail everywhere. Then i saw a tagged photo on a mutual friends page with her kissing her new boyfriend (we broke up only 1.5 months ago). I also noticed myself going to our mutual friends pages subconciously looking to see if she posted something. When she did, it never helped only set me back seeing her happy new life. So i blocked EVERY single mutual friend. At leasg till im healed. Now i wont see, hear or look. I know she will think i did something "drastic" like delete my fb cause i always did stupid things like that when i got upset and emotional, but at this point im trying not to care about what she thinks. I want to move on. And i cant wait until the day i do. I know this will only help me move forward...

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I agree with previous comments. Last year, around this time, when I was going through the real dark days of the break up, i did exactly this. Its the best way to go about things. Out of sight out of mind type of thing. At the moment, whilst you heal, you need to get a bit selfish and do things for you that make you happy and hekp you to heal!


It wont be an easy road all the time but its one that others have walked before and conqoured. Chin up and use and abuse ENA when you need to. Take it easy man xx

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And it will help you move forward.


At the beginning of my break-up, visiting his profile would resurrect pain and insecurities. Blocking my ex on Facebook was one of the most crucial things for me to stop caring about his happiness, and start focusing on mine.

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