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Feeling uncomfortable


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Some people have low confidence about their looks. And I do. But my confidence is more low about my personality. I feel anti-social. Like, when I am around people, I am very aware of the way I act when I am around them...making me feel awkward. Feeling awkward then makes me feel stupid. I feel judged... So really, I just avoid the situation all together. Its so stressful...especially with my boyfriend who has a big family and I don't want to go around them because its awkward. He just thinks that I don't like them...which is not the case at all...I just hate the way I feel when I am around them.



Such a silly anxiety...that I wish would just go away.

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I think its a kind of social anxiety which I get sometimes. Im very sensitive and what people think of me means a lot. So get very anxious and worried around new people etc. Its completely natural. Have you explained to your bf thats your just a little socially anxious and its not that you dont like them?

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Luckily you can change your behavior without paying a fortune for surgery and trainers. Moving outside of your comfort zone can exercise your social abilities and help realize your potential. Staying comfortable is like overeating but wanting to be thin.


Just make that comfort zone a little bigger.

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I agree with Dako. My boyfriend used to feel alot of social anxiety around my family. He would be so nervous that he would make silly comments that only made me embarrassed to bring him around the fam. Over time he noticed that just by calming his nerves and being himself, he was more easily accepted. Now, he holds lengthy convos with both my parents and he's charismatic. He not only gained confidence but he also broadened his horizons. He stays up on the latest news so he can always give his input when talking current events. He socializes with people at work and in the neighborhood and just becoming an overall "people person". Trust me, sometimes throwing yourself into the fire is the only way to get over your fears.

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I have explained this to him...he acts like he understands...but still gets upset. I have went and hung out with them before...and talked and kept convo and what not, but its very uncomfortable. I drink a lot to say the least. =\

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You will get used to it. I was weird with my bf's family at first because i felt shy and uncomfortable but the more i saw them the easier it got. But at the end of the day they should just accept you for you and you for them. As long as you are polite i don't see an issue.

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