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It just feels wrong

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Does anybody on here feel with their breakups its just completely wrong.


its like your body or brain is saying even 8 weeks later Thsi isn't right this sin't what should of happened.I mean is it the body playing tricks.I just don't know.


i truly believed my ex and I were soulmates and we had an amazing connection/chemistry but obviuously I was wrong.. cause we aren't together.


But when doe sthe body realise that the direction you are now going in is opk.My whole body has felt weird all week its like I'm shaky sick feeling all the time.


god is this normal still 2 months later

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2 months is really nothing. You mind will play tricks on you. I didn't even have the denial phase this time but recently my mind plays tricks on me and it feels like we're still together for a second or two. But yes, I have had the wrong feeling, but deep down I know it is right.

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2 months is really nothing. You mind will play tricks on you. I didn't even have the denial phase this time but recently my mind plays tricks on me and it feels like we're still together for a second or two. But yes, I have had the wrong feeling, but deep down I know it is right.


so this is normal... got it sucks.... I hate it, my body sometimes feel like its trying to process something out.


so do you think in 6 months that would never happen.the body would be rid of those feelings.and you'd be alot better

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You will be a lot better in 6 months time. I'm not sure if all the feelings will have gone, but you will either be on your way to being completely over it or you will indeed be over it.


Give it 2 more months. I know you will feel better about all of this by then.

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You will be a lot better in 6 months time. I'm not sure if all the feelings will have gone, but you will either be on your way to being completely over it or you will indeed be over it.


Give it 2 more months. I know you will feel better about all of this by then.


I hope so every day.i hope by then I may have moved on and found anew special person in my life.thats what I woudl really like to see happen but of course thats not easy to get.

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My brain tells me it's stupid, it doesn't make any sense, and she's being an unreasonable girl and very unfair to me after how good I've been to her. That has been true since day one and has never changed. So, mix that with some emotions, and yeah you get a distinct "something is not right" on a greater level kind of anxiety feeling.

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its been 8 months for me and i still think my break up was wrong most of the time. i dont think i had even left my house 2 months after the breakup.


wow thats insane.I didn't have that choice.how I've even gotten here is by short some miracle.I just wish it was 6 months now.


and footogod thats the exact feeling you are describing that i seem to get.

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wow thats insane.I didn't have that choice.how I've even gotten here is by short some miracle.I just wish it was 6 months now.


and footogod thats the exact feeling you are describing that i seem to get.


That's the thing, you have gotten here. It's not a miracle. You got yourself where you are today. You're surviving and moving forward even if you don't feel like you are.


I wish I could fast forward too, but we can't. We have to feel what we are feeling right now. It will not last forever. Time seems so slow but it's flying by right before us.

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That's the thing, you have gotten here. It's not a miracle. You got yourself where you are today. You're surviving and moving forward even if you don't feel like you are.


I wish I could fast forward too, but we can't. We have to feel what we are feeling right now. It will not last forever. Time seems so slow but it's flying by right before us.


yeah thats what worries me too I feel so old.I'm not nmarrie no kids the biologiocal clock is screaming what can I do.I don't know how I will memetthe right person

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yeah thats what worries me too I feel so old.I'm not nmarrie no kids the biologiocal clock is screaming what can I do.I don't know how I will memetthe right person


I feel the same way too. Everyone feels that way after a break up and it's normal.


This is what life has dealt us. It's not fair, but I do believe that these things happen for a reason.


I have thoughts about not meeting someone and it terrifies me. When I think of who he might be, it kinda makes me feel sick. I don't know him. I don't know his smell or his look. I don't know if he is an honest person or not. But when the time is right, this person will come along and all of that crap will go out the window.

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