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Working in Higher Education

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I've come to the realization that I do not have what it takes to be a a business person. I could care less about cutting costs, return on investment, and all other things business. I sorely miss being in an academic setting.


Other than professor positions, what jobs can those interested in higher education/learning pursue?


Do administrative positions at universities actually deal with anything scholarly (curriculum, class content, etc.), or is it all about budgets, meetings and copious paperwork?


Would I need to become a professor to delve into actual concepts, theories, etc.?

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I'm interested in this too--though not to the same extent. I hate the business world. I'm in it right now, and the job I have I do like but this is not something I can do in the future. I've always been interested in being a professor *possibly* but don't know if I'm cut out for that either.

What do you like to do?

What are you looking for in a career?

Is there a reason your interested in higher education?


I've though of trying marketing consulting in the education field(don't even know if that's possible).


I'd be interested to hear others answers.

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