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Possible miscarriage?!


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Ok so I'm a bit confused. I've been taking bcp for 3 packets now, skipping the inactive ones. I heard you shouldn't skip them for too long, so I decided I'd stop a week, have my period, and then start back again. I stopped on friday, and started having slight cramps tuesday night which went away. Around midday wednesday I began having really bad cramps, I usually get cramps when I'm on my period but these were like 10x worse than usual. I took 2 period pain tablets and went to sleep. Woke up 3 hours later and there was blood everywhere. I went to the toilet and on my pad, there was a little "sac" of something. I freaked out and flushed it. I continued to bleed and have cramps but nowhere near as bad as before. I'm worried it may have been a miscarriage? But also it could be due to me not having my period for around 3 months. If I were pregnant it would have been a month old max. Could it be that big already? I didn't get morning sickness or anything.


I'm planning on seeing a doctor in an hour or so, but would just like to hear what others think.

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Yes, it was more likely a blood clot than a fetus.


I skipped my period just once while on BC and my following one was A LOT worse than my usual period. I think it has something to do with your skipping them. I've also heard from some other women that their periods are slightly worse than normal when they skip them.

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Yes, it was more likely a blood clot than a fetus.


I skipped my period just once while on BC and my following one was A LOT worse than my usual period. I think it has something to do with your skipping them. I've also heard from some other women that their periods are slightly worse than normal when they skip them.


Thanks for that, I was worried about it being a fetus, because I didn't even know I was pregnant! Shall still talk to the doctor about it though

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Probably just a bit hunk of blood. Before I went on my birth control I had really heavy periods and sometimes, as disgusting as this is, it would just come out in lumps. Almost sack-like.


Thanks, that's what I thought too, I sometimes get small blood clots, but they are usually dark in colour, this was slightly light brown, that's what had me confused

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the change in colour would be because the blood was older, also the new hormone levels caused by the pill can effect/ change the colour as well as consistency of your period.


I think it's the right thing to do to still see your doctor about it

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When you skip a few times in a row, the womb has been getting much thicker than it would have when you didn't skip. So having a heavier 'period' (you don't technically get periods on the pill) is normal. It was likely a clot. But to be sure, I'd see a doctor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lost a baby at 6 weeks (didn't know I was pregnant until I miscarried) but it is majorly heavier than a period. I woke up saturated in blood. I'd been on the pill too so symptoms I had been having, i just put down to the pill as I didn't think there was a chance I could have been pregnant. If you are noticing any strange smells etc or if you absolutely think you have miscarried, I would see your doctor because you may be at risk of infection.

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