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Sort of liking my brazilian wax but MORTIFIED about showing it to anyone


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I just started dating someone and am really looking forward to hopefully sleeping with him soon (it's been way too long!).


I started running a few months ago and the smell down there became unbearable. Knock you out bad. I'm way too hairy naturally (my last boyfriend complained a little) and on a total whim today I walked into a nice salon and got a brazilian. The experience was painful, but very fast and clinical and I didn't mind it. However, half way through it I started having second thoughts. It was obviously too late to stop it though.


I wish now that I would have at least left a landing strip instead of prepubescent bare. Now I'm freaked out about having this guy discover that I'm bare down there.


While I've heard that quite a few guys like it I'm interested in hearing from guys on this board what their first impression of a girl is if they discover that she's completely bare. Even if you enjoy it are you more inclined to think she's easy and not girlfriend material? Would it make you less likely to want to have a serious, long-term relationship with her?


I imagine a lot of women get a brazilian when they are already in a relationship and not before one.

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You're overthinking it. Being bare has nothing to do with being easy or girlfriend material. The only thing it really tells a guy about you is that your clean and take care of yourself.


Personally I prefer girls to be bare. In fact I would be more surprised to see a bush down there than bare.

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With the ease of getting the brazillian these days, we guys don't have an issue if our new girl doesn't have anything down there. In fact, I have more of an issue if she doesn't at least trim down there.


Just because you are clean down there doesn't mean you are easy at all.

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Just let it grow back where you want it to grow back. But if you have good communication, it doesn't matter what hair you have or don't have. Just tell him you tried something because it bothered you being a runner. That way he doesn't expect that's what you look like all the time when you get sick of doing it. Anyway, it shouldn't come up until you are at the point of taking your underwear off in front of him, though. But then again - if you talk about intimate or personal stuff it could come earlier.

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I don't think it would really matter; there are women who have this done because it's what they prefer.

I just wanted to say though..that if someone doesn't get waxed, it doesn't mean they don't take care of themselves, or are unclean. It's only a personal choice.

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I'm not really into shaving and waxing. My wife used to and I asked her if she would stop because I prefer it natural. It seems high maintenance and unnatural to me to be grooming yourself down there. Makes me think of someone who's embarrassed to fart or take a stinky dump any where near their SO. I don't think it's unclean in any way to be natural and hairy. And I like the smell of a woman - it's a HUGE turn on.

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I wouldn't worry about it. Some guys prefer it, some don't.


What matters is what makes you happy. If you like it, then continue doing so. Just because you don't have a bf, doesn't mean you shouldn't do what makes you happy.


I shave down there all the time, even if I'm not seeing my bf and having sex. Why? Simply because I feel cleaner from doing so. It's all based on preference.

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yeah i like it better because it is cleaner. just like having long hair is harder to maintain than short, so is pubic hair. I wouldnt expect my SO to go down on me with a bush and I will not do it to them. SO to me it would be a plus for my SO to be clean.



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I'm not really into shaving and waxing. My wife used to and I asked her if she would stop because I prefer it natural. It seems high maintenance and unnatural to me to be grooming yourself down there. Makes me think of someone who's embarrassed to fart or take a stinky dump any where near their SO. I don't think it's unclean in any way to be natural and hairy. And I like the smell of a woman - it's a HUGE turn on.


You should be embarrassed to fart or take a stinky dump in front of your SO. Just because they are your SO does not mean you have to share everything for gods sake!

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You are correct bare is a bit creepy but not nearly as creepy as the men who prefer it over a vagina that has a bit of hair. Either way its not a deal breaker.


How exactly is it creepy to prefer a bare pubic area?



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Because adult women have pubic hair. Prepubescent girls are bare.


Lol, okay, and adult women also have leg and armpit hair, but most women, in the U.S. at least, shave those areas too, mainly for aesthetic and hygenic reasons. Does that make guys who like women with bare legs and armpits creepy too?


I personally like bare because I find it more aesthetically pleasing, mainly because I can actually see her mons pubis and labia (which I think are very sexy) instead of having them covered up by hair. Also, I like to go down, a lot, and it is so much better when you're performing oral sex to not have to fish a stray pubic hair out of your mouth every other minute.



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Because adult women have pubic hair. Prepubescent girls are bare.


Well, at almost 40 Im pretty sure I havent been with any prepubescent girls in a long long time, and Im also sure I havent seen hair on a vagina in over 15 years. So maybe adult woman dont have pubic hair anymore. That said, it doesnt make it creepy.

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Because adult women have pubic hair. Prepubescent girls are bare.


People in various cultures have been shaving and plucking for thousands of years. Lots of women minimize their pubic hair. I personally prefer it that way, the hair gets in the way and it feels so lovely when it smooth.


I also realize how troublesome it is, and insure my SO knows how much I appreciate that she goes to that length. And I keep my own trimmed to a level she prefers, in her case she prefers mine to be merely trimmed short.

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  • 1 month later...

Well i hate to break it to you but hairy down there is NOT in style anymore. Men prefur bare! It not only looks better it is cleaner. And in my opinion looks sexier. You even said your ex complained about it. I actually dont know anyone who didn't shave or wax. But trust me! He will love it. How was the experience anyway? I shave it but i've never waxed. I actually went to my friends first waxing session and watched her screaming for them to stop from the pain. Ive been so scared to attempt this but i really love the look of it!

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