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Why would she get so upset?

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My story in a nutshell, I work with a woman who I like and have made numerous advances. She has always said we were just friends and left it like that. recently I have dated other women and she has shown an interest asking how the dates went, mentioning she owes me a beer and maybe we should go out and get it this weekend and overall showing more attention.


We didnt get the beer that weekend, in fact she didnt even mention it again and I said enough and asked her not to mention going out if she wasnt going to follow through cause it kind of gets my hopes up.


She didnt talk to me for days and it made her very upset and made her feel like she was a terrible person and friend. The next day she wouldnt even look at me and I emailed her that night saying I didnt deserve that and why is she acting like that.


Anyways she calmed down, we have talked it out and everything is kosher between us but I really dont understand why she would get so upset over that. Truthfully I didnt think she cared about what I say so when she wouldnt talk to me it was * * * ?


Any insights yall may have about her behavior?

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Seems like she wasn't initially interested in you, but found the attention you were giving her flattering and got jealous that you were dating other people. This is normal for most women, trust me.


She got upset when you confronted her because it made her realize she behaved badly and she maybe didn't want to accept her jealousy. She may have been embarrassed- that would explain why she wouldn't talk or look at you afterwards.

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Seems like she wasn't initially interested in you, but found the attention you were giving her flattering and got jealous that you were dating other people. This is normal for most women, trust me.


She got upset when you confronted her because it made her realize she behaved badly and she maybe didn't want to accept her jealousy. She may have been embarrassed- that would explain why she wouldn't talk or look at you afterwards.


I'm not sure why she would be jealous, she was the one who said i should get out there and date.

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