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Male Contraceptive Pill

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So it was all over the news yesterday, the 'Bright pill' I believe it is called. You can read all about it here:


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I've done my share of dating over the years, and in my experience, no man wants a baby. Haha. Now, to be fair, most say that they want one 'some day', but I've seen too many men into their 40's still trying to lasso some young lass for a little 'fun'. So I think that once the contraceptive pill is available to the general male public, three things will happen:


1. Increase in STI's among women

2. Lower birth rate in industrial countries

3. Increase in age-related fertility problems/birth defects


Oh, and ok I lied; one more

4. Increase in the use of sperm banks


Because also in my experience, when women want a baby, they will find a way to do it if they are capable. Biological clocks and all of that. And our clocks seem to tick much sooner than any guy's.


Now, I realize I'm a little cynical, but what do you think would happen? Nothing? What would change? I'd like to get everyone's opinion, and crystal ball predictions.

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Interesting. I imagine that if it goes out to the public, it will be VERY popular.


Something that's bugging me about it though, is that according to current information (though I'm sure more tests are needed), it has virtually no side effects, and doesn't even affect male sexuality. That's great and all for the men, but why hasn't anyone been logging hours to get a symptom free birth control pill for women? Why SHOULD we suffer through sexual lethargy, weight gain, depression, mood swings, and circulation problems? Childish, but oh man, does it seem unfair.

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Interesting. I imagine that if it goes out to the public, it will be VERY popular.


Something that's bugging me about it though, is that according to current information (though I'm sure more tests are needed), it has virtually no side effects, and doesn't even affect male sexuality. That's great and all for the men, but why hasn't anyone been logging hours to get a symptom free birth control pill for women? Why SHOULD we suffer through sexual lethargy, weight gain, depression, mood swings, and circulation problems? Childish, but oh man, does it seem unfair.


Exactly! This is all I could think about when I read the article.


In any case gimme gimme gimme! 5 years is too long!

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