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Rebound & Throwing Bread Crumbs...

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My ex walked out of our 5.5 yr relationship a month and one week ago from G.I.G.S and she already got with a new man possibly within the first week after breaking up.


1) I'm disgusted because this guy has been screwing her sister on and off for the past two years..


2) Last year I let this fella take my ex and her sister horse back riding and had no idea he would be the one later on...


3) 2 years ago (after 4 years together) we had a break up for good reasons and she immediately hooked up with her old ex bf who she dated for years. This guy was always around ready to pick up the slack. It was a rebound non the less and she eventually came running back to me. Only thing is I was stupid enough to think that they actually didn't screw for the 2 months he had her.. and I took her back...


Anyways how I am dealing with this now?


I found out about her being with this guy by the all evil facebook and truthfully it twisted my stomach for less than a minute literally and I have been doing what I did since day one of NC when she left me:


*Accepted it is over and we do not Love eachother.

*Moving on and bettering myself



Yesterday (37 days NC from day one of breakup) she initiated contact over a website called DeviantArt and I did not respond. I posted a picture of me in the hospital after my Appendectomy and was letting all my watchers on DA know how I was doing and I truly did not think she would say anything as I was hoping. She never took me off her "watch list" so she would get updated when I uploaded the picture but like I said I was sure she would not say anything and a side note NO I was not looking for attention.

I simply hid her comment and blocked her. but she really knew how to open the wound because she knew I would look at her page after she commented and what she did was post a journal on her front page pretty much saying how much her life is down the drain right now and she wishes she could talk to me but assumes I don't want anything to do with her (which is true) and pretty much goes on leaving little sayings only me and her would get and along with links to songs like Third Eye Blind's "Hows It Gonna Be".


Basically a bunch of head games probably because she is having a bad day and is missing me and wants to hook me in a little to know she can fall back on me just like she did two years ago..


After we got back together when we had the breakup two years ago and she fell back on her douche bag ex she always said she regretted it yada yada she's messed up yada yada its effecting our relationship now yada yada after all that and being happy for two years she just goes right out and does the same thing. This girl obviously cannot be alone and it will only be a matter of time she gets rid of this new rebound and tries contacting me again because she didn't "like always" give herself enough time to get over me.



I'm not sure where this is going people. Its just kinda a rant to get some thoughts off my back and maybe I will hear some encouraging words from you guys or people who have had or are in the same type of situation.

I just feel set back for some reason today and feeling really down.




5 1/2 years... I let go of every friend I had and wrapped every aspect of my life around this one woman. She became my best friend and my first and only lover.


I can accept a bad day here and there

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Hey Ragnarok, (end of the world?)


Your story is similar to my last ex, in short 7 years together, a couple of days after we split she hooked up with a her workmate, a guy who 'befriended me' a couple of months before we broke up, so who knew what there intentions were.


It's hard as you know, but it seems you know what to do to heal and going the right way around it. No contact is best, and you seem to have a good head around your shoulders. I was the opposite, i was mean and felt insulted 7 years being with her and she could easily replace me so soon.


She sounds VERY immature and yeah sounds like all head games. She's trying to lure you back in, you have her other ex as a perfect example of that. Stay strong brother.

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One day a woman will come along I just hope its when I am fully recovered emotionally so I don't mess it up if you know what I mean..


I hear that! I knew the three days she played games with me before she left she did not love me anymore but I was also in denial and was trying to find any reason she was leaving me other than she just does not love me.

It was tough the first week being apart because I truly believed I was still in love with her but in reality I was in love with a person who was not there anymore.


Thank you for you words! ^^

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She sounds VERY immature and yeah sounds like all head games. She's trying to lure you back in, you have her other ex as a perfect example of that. Stay strong brother.


is it really immaturity? i guess you're probably right.


if it is...sign me up...along with everyone else i've ever known. we're just people. we change...we evolve...we feel...we stop feeling. one day there's a void that's filled by something or someone, and the next day that very same thing no longer fills the void. i don't care what De Beers says...nothing is forever.


sure...maybe 'luring' is the right word...but how many of have been in that exact same situation...desperately trying to find something to grab onto...to ground us...something warm and familiar to curl up with and distract us from whatever we don't want to feel.


one day she'll wake up...she'll realize that her actions have hurt you. she'll realize what she was grasping at. we all share the same sorts of stories.

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Ragna...Im in the EXACT same boat...except my ex is loving her new relationship. Wish i was in your shoes so i could mess with her head a bit. Stay strong man...on to the next one!!


Well I think mine is enjoying it very much as well. I mean she probably just had a bad day or something and was thinking of me. No way she can forget all the years.


When I saw the picture of them they looked pretty damn close and happy...


Thank you & stay strong as well mate!

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Wow my ex same story. There are facebook photos of her online, with the new guy.. and a wedding ring. When she left there was a huge rush for me todo the divorce... cause she had to marry the dude.


Try to stay strong.


About 4 months ago, I started running.. upon the suggestion of a friend.


I run all the time now.. I am looking better, feel better about myself.. have met some new friends and ran a race 2 weeks ago which was a huge ego boost to me.


Try starting a new hobby.. try something you never did before.. and in time, it will get better...

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Wow my ex same story. There are facebook photos of her online, with the new guy.. and a wedding ring. When she left there was a huge rush for me todo the divorce... cause she had to marry the dude.


Try to stay strong.


About 4 months ago, I started running.. upon the suggestion of a friend.


I run all the time now.. I am looking better, feel better about myself.. have met some new friends and ran a race 2 weeks ago which was a huge ego boost to me.


Try starting a new hobby.. try something you never did before.. and in time, it will get better...

Its been really tough this past week specifically because I had an Appendectomy which left me in bed with nothing to do but wonder the internet..

Just can't wait to get back on my feet and be able go out and live life again..

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