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Time to let go shoe, right? Anything you find out will cause you pain until you are healed completely and have moved on. Time to take care of you and look after what is going to make you feel better. Enough causing yourself pain. He did not do this to you...you did by tracking your email.


Try to learn from this and stop the self destructive behavior. Sorry if this sounds harsh. I only say it because I care.


I know it's time to let go. I have let go of the relationship, I no longer want that but now I am just dealing with the hurt. The only reason I tracked it was to make sure he read it. The status of the email was updated via email to me. I wasn't looking for the information.

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It's time to let go of what he's thinking, and what he's doing. Ask yourself how this could possibly make you feel better, and help you to heal. It's not easy to completely let go, but you have to start off with one step at a time.


Take care...

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