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I sent my ex a long heartfelt letter during the BU to which he didn't have much to say to. At the end I wished him well blah blah blah.


I put a tracker on the email so I would know whether he had read it or not. When I checked the status today, it said that it had been read by him three times and forwarded to two different people. One of these people read it twice, and one read it once.


Why would he do this? They were my personal words and feelings which were meant for him and noone else. I can't understand this at all. Today has been a bad day. I've started having nightmares so I am afraid to go to sleep and I was brought home from work by my supervisor tonight because of chest pains and uncontrollable sobbing. I feel so embarrassed and I think I am having a breakdown. And the worst thing of all is that he doesn't deserve any of my feelings of tears.

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I sent my ex a long heartfelt letter during the BU to which he didn't have much to say to. At the end I wished him well blah blah blah.


I put a tracker on the email so I would know whether he had read it or not. When I checked the status today, it said that it had been read by him three times and forwarded to two different people. One of these people read it twice, and one read it once.


Why would he do this? They were my personal words and feelings which were meant for him and noone else. I can't understand this at all.


Wow, I did not know you can track emails like that.


Maybe he didn't know what to do or say. I mean, I would be pretty upset getting an email from an ex. I always asked for advice when my ex contacted me because I was scared of saying the wrong thing, and I needed their input.

Don't get too caught with this. You did what you felt was right. You said what you needed to say, and you let it be known to him.


Also, no offense..but I think it was sneaky of you to track him like this. I think it was wrong to do in the first place.

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I didn't know you could track emails like that either.....

Given all of the other things he's said/done/not done, I can't say I'm surprised. Given what he's shown to you of his character, I'm surprised you're surprised, actually. Your consolation will be that you acted from your heart and in good faith. You've since seen his true colors in many more instances than this one.

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Or it could be he is forwarding it with one of those 'look at how crazy my ex is' notes on it... some people who are angry at a breakup want validation of their anger from other people like, yeah, you're better off without her etc.


It is upsetting that he would share such personal stuff with others, but he's someone who hangs with his buddies all the time anyway, so this is probably just more of the same...


i'd just let it go and not send him anything else if he is doing this...

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There are lots of free services on the internet which offer email tracking services.


And its just one more way to open the door to more heartache by exposing yourself to even more information that causes you to ponder a reason for the ex's behaviour.

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Maybe I'm weird about this, but if I put things in an email -- particularly a personal email to an ex -- I assume they might forward it. I also think they're entitled to ask for advice from their friends. I'd be surprised if my most recent ex did, just because he is so very private (I wouldn't be upset or offended if he had, just surprised.) But I know for a fact that my previous ex had forwarded emails that I'd sent him re: whether to continue our relationship to friends for advice. I think that's the risk you take when you put things in an email. If you want to communicate with someone personally in this day and age, have a private, in-person conversation with them.

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Or it could be he is forwarding it with one of those 'look at how crazy my ex is' notes on it... some people who are angry at a breakup want validation of their anger from other people like, yeah, you're better off without her etc.


It is upsetting that he would share such personal stuff with others, but he's someone who hangs with his buddies all the time anyway, so this is probably just more of the same...


i'd just let it go and not send him anything else if he is doing this...


That's what I was thinking but it wasn't a crazy email. It was very mature where I stated what I wanted to and wished him happiness. At the end, I told him he would be missed and remembered with fondness. I also said asked if he could mail my things to me or drop them at my house, I asked for this because I didn't want us to see each other.


In his cold reply to it, he told me he would get my things to me somehow and to get some quotes for my car. Well I got the quote, sent it and I've heard nothing. I also emailed him almost 2 weeks ago asking for my things and again today and still nothing.

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Or it could be he is forwarding it with one of those 'look at how crazy my ex is' notes on it... some people who are angry at a breakup want validation of their anger from other people like, yeah, you're better off without her etc.


It is upsetting that he would share such personal stuff with others, but he's someone who hangs with his buddies all the time anyway, so this is probably just more of the same...


i'd just let it go and not send him anything else if he is doing this...


Maybe yeah. He always used to discuss our personal business with other. Other people knew more about what was going on in the relationship than I did.

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Of course if you hadnt used the tracking service, you wouldnt have all this wondering and speculation.


It kind of helps to know in a way so his true colours show through.


I just find it very disrespectful. Maybe it is just to mock me although I would like to think even he wouldn't stoop to that level but I'm not so sure anymore.

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It kind of helps to know in a way so his true colours show through.


I just find it very disrespectful. Maybe it is just to mock me although I would like to think even he wouldn't stoop to that level but I'm not so sure anymore.


You know anything we think they won't do they probably will end of the day we thought they won't break our hearts but they did.

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It kind of helps to know in a way so his true colours show through.


I just find it very disrespectful. Maybe it is just to mock me although I would like to think even he wouldn't stoop to that level but I'm not so sure anymore.


But you dont even know what level he stooped to or what for. how can you fault him for possibly asking the opinions of friends while we all sit here and ask the opinions of strangers?


Maybe he did forward them to make light of you, maybe he didnt. Either way you wouldnt be feeling upset about it if you hadnt tried to follow his actions.


Breakups are wounds and need to remain covered with a bandage. When you peek under the bandage too often to see whats doing there, it opens the wound to infection....and it hurts.

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Does it say who he forwarded the emails to? Maybe you know some of the people he sent it to.


No it doesn't. I am pretty sure who one of them might be. If I am correct it is a mate of his who used to try to help us out a little in the relationship dept. I could be wrong though. And I have absolutely no idea who the other would be.

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Time to let go shoe, right? Anything you find out will cause you pain until you are healed completely and have moved on. Time to take care of you and look after what is going to make you feel better. Enough causing yourself pain. He did not do this to you...you did by tracking your email.


Try to learn from this and stop the self destructive behavior. Sorry if this sounds harsh. I only say it because I care.

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