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OMG! I forgot my ex's birthday yesterday!!!

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This is funny, to say the least!


I joined ENA on February of 2009 when I was DEVASTATED over a break-up with my first boyfriend whom I dated for 3 years.


The first months were cruel. The first year was faily hard. But, June 29th of 2010 was his birthday and I completely forgot about it. I didn't even think of it.


I have fallen in love again and am currently hurting over someone else... But still, I could never believe I would ever forget his birthday. I remember just last year I counted the days to it...


I have ZERO urge to talk to him. ZERO urge to send him an e-mail. It's just over. It passed. We aren't part of eachother's lives anymore and I'm ok about it now. I accept it.


It's part of life!!


Wow. Hang in there guys. Time heals all wounds.

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Oh, that is SUCH a great milestone! I realized I forgot his birthday for the first time last year... strange, huh? We broke up in 2003, I am married and have a baby, and still the b-day would always remember me of the Ex.



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Haha, this happened to me too this year re: my first ex. In June 2008, I was so devastated that I couldn't celebrate his birthday with him. This year I completely forgot about it, until - Googling old emails for something completely separate - I came accross an email I'd written two years ago, mentioning that his birthday was the final week of June. What a difference two years makes! This year, I didn't know, and I didn't care. Time really does take care of things.


Congrats to you as well!

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hahah that's awesome! His birthday was a week after the breakup so obviously I didn't forget, I started no contact with him the night before I wished him an early birthday. His repose "you know just because you said it now, doesn't mean you were the first one to wish me"

how rude.

btw I hope Brazil wins the world cup

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