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Where Can I go to Meet Women and New Friends?

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Just looking for a few ideas on where I can go to meet women, either online or in person. Also it seems that all of my friends have disappeared and I usually end up hanging out by myself and I am pretty fed up with that. I Got out of a long term relationship about a year ago and I am ready to start dating again. I am a long term relationship type of person so I am trying to figure out where there are like minded people. Any tips would be great especially if you are from my area (Long Beach, Ca). Thanks a bunch guys and gals!

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I live in Long Beach, too. It's a lesbian mecca! Just get out there.


What part of town are you in? There are several bars/clubs around here for socializing-- not just hook ups. If you are into low key, the Silver Fox on Redondo has karaoke on Sunday nights; I've seen a lot of really chill, friendly people there. If you want to dance, The Executive Suites is popular-- but Ripples by the beach is more fun. There is a gay and lesbian center on 4th st-- they may have resources. Hang out on 2nd St and flirt or say hi to people. Odds are, they're either gay or know someone who is (and is single).


If you have a bike, people will just ride up and ask to join you. There are festivals, movies on the beach... you name it. In fact, the city has websites with stuff to do posted. Put on some nice panties and a smile-- and introduce yourself!

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