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Very bad thing. Even after deleting an ex, I still had pictures of him and his new girl show up on my newsfeed from other people's albums. I think I'd have to delete half my friends list just to actually avoid him!


It's always a good choice to avoid facebook (or any other social networking site) like the plague during a breakup.

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My ex boyfriend doesn't even have a facebook! But I usually end up looking at his new girlfriend's profile and his family's. So instead of deleting his family on there, I've decided to go cold turkey on using facebook. Because even though I can block a person, I always end up unblocking them because the curiosity kills me!

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That's the interesting thing about facebook - we can construct a reality of ourselves that is very misleading. It's sometimes sick. You only get to see the side of people they want. Usually, this gives you the illusion of a happy person, regardless. My facebook looks way happy all through the breakup, even though my ex shouldn't be seeing it, so it's of no consequence there. And for the most part, I have gotten quite happy.


At the same time, people use statuses to vent whatever it is they want people to see and hear, nothing more, nothing less. Facebook has created a very superficial concept of the self, where you only have to show people what you want and be who you want to look like you are.

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Most people look happy in photo's! Don't look again or delete and block her.


Well i did delete her but the albums show up through mutual friend photo tags. And I can see it in her eyes and smile...shes truly happy. It actually makes it a bit easier. I knew they were together so I knew pics would come soon. All i can do is leave her be with her new boyfriend...no contact from my end, thats for sure

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Yep. After my last breakup, my Facebook turned into a veritable tribute to the concept, "My life would not suck without you." I couldn't POSSIBLY have looked more happy or more social - out with friends, traveling internationally, exuberant statuses about a positive job change/fun evenings out/France/Italy/Netherlands/etc. Although all of it was factually accurate, it had nothing to do with how I was feeling inside.


And yet, in the wake of the breakup, if my ex posted a single joking or trivial remark on Facebook (let alone pictures of him having fun - @#$#^@$# - which he only did once), I'd immediately assume that he was completely happy without me and totally indifferent to me, and had never had a single emotion about our breakup.


I think it's human nature.

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for me, it's been more along the lines of seeing her in 2 new relationships over the past few months 1 of which is currently with a mutual acquaintance... Would be so much easier if she kept her profile private, and removed my "cyberstalking" temptation

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It took me 4 months after the breakup to delete and block my ex. Trust me, not knowing ANYTHING they are up to is the fastest way to healing and moving on. I have had no idea what she is up to for about 10 weeks now, and have made a lot of progress.


I also deleted and blocked all her friends that I knew she hung out with because I did not want to see any tagged photo's.


You really need to think of what is best for you right now. Not the ex! Stop worrying about how they will feel if you deleted them. Who cares! Stand up for yourself and do what is best for you.

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I like facebook itself, but I don't like how all my friends are on it 24/7, looking through photo albums of people they don't even know, and commenting on and "liking" every little status or wall post. Some friends are always on facebook, but are rarely seen in person. Facebook should be an extension of existing communication, not a replacement.

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The day me and my ex broke up I signed on to his Facebook I had his password as well had nothing to hide apparently (just the fact he dumps me cause God tells him to) anyway, on the day we broke up I logged on to his Facebook made EVERYTHING private, told him to change his password and deleted him. So now I can't see anything I knew I would be seeing things I didn't like even if we weren't friends.

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The day me and my ex broke up I signed on to his Facebook I had his password as well had nothing to hide apparently (just the fact he dumps me cause God tells him to) anyway, on the day we broke up I logged on to his Facebook made EVERYTHING private, told him to change his password and deleted him. So now I can't see anything I knew I would be seeing things I didn't like even if we weren't friends.


Wow.....Girl you deserve better if a guy will believe "God" told him to get you out of his life! He is likely to scare away future partners with that state of mind.

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In my recent break-up, I soon found out my ex was putting on the "front" of being happy when really the opposite was the case. She told me this when she "cracked" and broke NC. She didn't want to get back together and wanted to be friends still (forget it!) and now back to NC. The point here is, don't always believe what they portray on FB, especially if they are "always in a great mood"...as very few people never have a bad day.

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