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Trying not to let this history repeat itself


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My last relationship I was in ended (of course or I'd still be in it). After 2 months of dating, the girl insisted on "No Sex Until Marriage". Yet, she teased me in a sexual way continuously in many ways including sending me nude photos, nude webcam, touching me, wanting me to rub her nipples with lotion. This was all too much for me, somebody who doesn't normally wait till marriage and caused arguments that led to a break up. How can I be sure that the next girl I'm dating, this isn't an issue again? I do not go looking for one night stands/casual encounters or open relationships. I'd like a long-term relationship that after some time had passed, there would be intimacy including sex. This hadn't been a problem in the past relationships after some time had gone by. I don't want to bring up the topic too early in the relationship, but I don't want to get in another relationship and let it get serious to find out I'll be a virgin again for the next couple of years if we even make it to marriage. Now I have a few girls interested in me, and it's way too early to bring that topic up, "How do you feel about sex after time goes on in a committed relationship?" It just would feel awkward this soon. I don't want to be in a serious relationship 2 months down the road and then another heart-aching breakup to find out we do not share that religious belief. Even if she wanted to wait 6 months into the relationship for that, that I could deal with. I could not deal with the teasing and taunting before about something I don't believe must wait till marriage.

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That's kind of unusual, I think you got a girl with a few issues...! I wouldn't worry too much, I think you'll find a lot of girls who share your beliefs of a committed sexual relationship. And if you fall for a girl who really is "no sex before marriage" kind of material, she should be respectful enough not to tease you like that. Honestly, no offense but it sounds like you found a bad egg in the nest of women. You sounds like a nice guy, and don't let that one chick ruin your expectations!

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I think you just got unlucky. Most girls who don't believe in sex before marriage will a) let you know before you get exclusive and b) not act like a total tease. I don't think you have to ask a girl pre-relationship what her views are, but once you become exclusive, you might just casually bring it up in conversation. If she wants to wait till marriage, you would be justified in kindly breaking up with her due to a difference in values. Be prepared, though-- if you do this, she will likely think you are a jerk even though you seem (from your post) like a very nice, well-intentioned guy.

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