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Life sucks and am planning to go to god


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people I'm useless can't get a job , can't get a g/f , had a fight with someone on the tube broke his jaw and nose and he barged me.


Just can't take it any more


life sucks


it needs to end..


I'm suffering day by day..


Had a job offer today but the agency cocked up i was looking forward to it..but now I've fallen back to where I was...life sucks..

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Please realize that this is jst a passing phase in your life. It WILL change. Don't give up!!!! I will say a prayer for you. Just treat yourself well and find a way to get through today! Seek out help too. Therapy and 12 step groups or other types of help. Don't let things get the best of you. Don't neglect prayer it has helped me so much. We are all here for you and KNOW that you can get healing and get through all this. Eventually this will all be a like a dream and you'll be on to a new life with greater joy!!!!


Write me if you like,



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Yes, life sucks. For everyone. You have to hang in there like we all do.


Oh please. A post like that just isn't even needed.


Everybody has struggles but you don't need to minimize the OP's feelings and you don't know the severity of their situation.


Lance- I know you are feeling really low and sometimes for me I will have extremely low points emotionally but then recover to a certain degree as time passes. How are you feeling right now?

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dollar;4339216]Your in my thoughts and prayers. Say hello let us know you are ok.


I kmow just how you feel because I tried many time but never (obviously did it), I'm here, it's part of life and it's part of growing, until I understood after so many lost relationships, suffering,hurting my love ones, that there was only one way to get through with out suicide. I met Him and He is the best thing that ever happened to me and since then my life has never been the same. I met Jesuschrist, and I gave him my heart and put my life in his hands.

I dont' own my self, He is in control of everything that I do, my life has changed and I thank him for not letting me take my life away because He has real Good plans for me and I have seen his mercy , love, protection and best of all He knows what I need.

Get yoirsel a book called "Living Purpose" from Rick Warren" and read a book with a Bible and then you will understand the meanings of a lot of things.

God Bless You Allways

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Yo lance, yeah man let it all out on the weekends, stay busy, that's what lifes all about. I wanna see you have fun dude, you'll get a job and a girlfriend and out of this slump, hang in there bud. I don't know anybody who doesn't consider suicide, so don't think that's abnormal. Things can only go up from here. Exercise, play video games, find stuff you enjoy online. Forums, music videos etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the thing that kept me from suicide when I was at my lowest was the following phrase.


'Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.'


Try and think of how long you can live for if you keep going, and how anything good could happen in that time.

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