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11 days NC and he breaks it.

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Just a simple email asking about pictures from the vacation we took just days before the break-up. I told him I'd mail them to him but I haven't had the energy to do it.


I miss him terribly. I'm here at work trying not to burst into tears. I woke up depressed this morning because of a dream I had about him, then had a therapy appointment, which kind of helped. Work was going okay because a professor from the university I went to e-mailed me saying she'd be happy to write me a recommendation for grad school.


Then ... this.


I just want to go home and cry because I miss him -- I miss "us" -- so horribly right now.

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I know, just a silly email can bring it all back up. My ex emailed me after 13 days NC, asking if I had tried to call him because he had a call when he was having bad reception and he couldn't tell who it was. It makes no sense for him to think it was me though, so trying not to analyze too much why he felt the need to email me.

Just get through this bad moment, and soon you'll be back to where you were before the email.


Just a simple email asking about pictures from the vacation we took just days before the break-up. I told him I'd mail them to him but I haven't had the energy to do it.


I miss him terribly. I'm here at work trying not to burst into tears. I woke up depressed this morning because of a dream I had about him, then had a therapy appointment, which kind of helped. Work was going okay because a professor from the university I went to e-mailed me saying she'd be happy to write me a recommendation for grad school.


Then ... this.


I just want to go home and cry because I miss him -- I miss "us" -- so horribly right now.

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Its ok OneBrightStar, here is a *hug*. I know its hard right now, but it will get better.


Im on week 3 of being single after what I believe was a good 3-year relationship, but she felt otherwise, and though I have my moments of sadness, I am healing pretty well, and most of the day im my happy-go-lucky self now =).


Staying focused on my life, accepting the end of the relationship, avoiding contact with my ex, and celebrating my new-found freedom each has made this transition better, and it will for you.

I do this by actively staying busy so I dont have to think about her, and during those rare moments when I do, I purposefully remind myself that its over and think about something else.


The less contact I have with my ex, the easier it is for me every day to move on with my life, and she with hers. And you have to do the same. Thats why they say do activities to keep your mind off him, try new hobbies. This is also the time to indulge yourself for once, to do something you have always wanted to do. Visit with old friends you havent seen in awhile, or hang out with family.


In time, you will be better =). Life will be better, and you will be able to fall in love all over again. Thats what makes me celebrate life as well. While I am glad for the time my ex was in my life, that time is no over, and our crossed paths for now split into new things, each going a different direction. Thats why no contact is important, so that it makes the transition from "together" to "separate" go quicker and smoother.


I wish you the best OneStar, and keep us updated!

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