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Do you think romance is overated? I do. But when i was younger i did want romance. I used to love doin it w/ soft music and candles ! People do think romance is nessicary but if you love some1 i dont think it is nessicary. I kind of want it sometimes. Is romance just sex? Cuz im a kinky person and dont really think about it much? What do you think?

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I'm not really sure what you're asking?


Everyone is different. Some people think romance is absolutely essential, whereas others will find it a complete turn-off.


I myself find romance in somewhat unusual things. I think the banter and slight teasing between my boyfriend and I is sexy and romantic at times. Other people would find this annoying and worrisome. You will get a lot of different opinions.

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I'm not really sure what you're asking?


Everyone is different. Some people think romance is absolutely essential, whereas others will find it a complete turn-off.


I myself find romance in somewhat unusual things. I think the banter and slight teasing between my boyfriend and I is sexy and romantic at times. Other people would find this annoying and worrisome. You will get a lot of different opinions.


I was asking if you found it nessicary to have romance in a relationshio? I think its not. Ur right everyone is different!

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I was asking if you found it nessicary to have romance in a relationshio? I think its not. Ur right everyone is different!


Yeah, I can only speak for myself. But I do think you would get a lot of different answers to this question.

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Soft music, candles, rose petals, fireplaces, weekend getaways in a country inn are the Hollywood clichés if romance which is really all about the grand setup for sex. True romance is about the little things couples do for each other, special glances and the feeling of connectedness when out together doing normal things. Romance is not necessarily tied in with sex...but because society is sex obsessed, people do the soft music, candles etc as a way to set the mood for sex.

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On one of my early dates w/ my now husband, I was having terrible stomach cramps and he Macgyver'ed me a heating pad out of a water bottle, towel and some boiling water...I thought THAT was romantic...

Whether or not it's "necessary", a lot of partners make such caring and kind gestures that the other person feels romanced. No harm in that!

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Soft music, candles, rose petals, fireplaces, weekend getaways in a country inn are the Hollywood clichés if romance which is really all about the grand setup for sex. True romance is about the little things couples do for each other, special glances and the feeling of connectedness when out together doing normal things. Romance is not necessarily tied in with sex...but because society is sex obsessed, people do the soft music, candles etc as a way to set the mood for sex.


I SOOOO agree w/ u on this..

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Soft music, candles, rose petals, fireplaces, weekend getaways in a country inn are the Hollywood clichés if romance which is really all about the grand setup for sex. True romance is about the little things couples do for each other, special glances and the feeling of connectedness when out together doing normal things. Romance is not necessarily tied in with sex...but because society is sex obsessed, people do the soft music, candles etc as a way to set the mood for sex.


As a guy there is nothing wrong with this kind of thing every once in a while. With my ex for me it was note left next to the coffee maker for her when I left for work in the morning. Even as simple as "Hey Babe, have a great day. Love Me" When you do something for no reason. Like I used to like to bring her home a card, her favorite snack (sunflower seeds) when I went to the store, maybe some flowers (not always roses) or her favorite plant. Just the little things that let her know how much I cared, that I appreciated her and I was thinking about her. I never left for work with out giving her a kiss before I left and never walked in the door without giving her one when I came home. On the rare occasions I took a lunch to work, she would leave me a note inside it. The small day to day gestures that made it romantic more than the grand. Made my day. How the **** am I still single. lol.

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If anything, I think romance is underrated in our society. I'm not talking about the movies. I'm talking about how couples treat each other.


I think it's great to have romance, so long as it isn't used as a replacement for the other stuff.


One of the most romantic things I ever witnessed was watching my step dad building a garage, from the ground up, and renovating my mom's house. It took a long time. He put in countless hours of sweat. She was so proud and practically glowed to show it all off.


Small and large things that pay attention to what the other person finds important and fills them with a feeling of being loved, that's romantic. Not everyone may find charm and seduction to be important, but watch them swoon then if they are installed a new dishwasher or given something practical! lol. It's the same thing in the end.

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I think people mistake "buying stuff" for romance. For me, romance is making the best of a situation. Romance is uncomplicated, cheap, and spontaneous.


Example: If I want to be romantic, I open a bottle of wine, put a little more effort into arranging the food in an attractive way, and set the table on the balcony with some candles and soft music. Extra time: 4 or 5 minutes. Extra cash: $10 for the wine.


Counter Example: If I want a romantic "valentines day evening", I coerce him into taking time off, spend days worrying about a menu, finding something neat to wear, finding sexy underthings and worrying about how fat I am and then feeling vaguely disappointed that he "only" brought a box of chocolate (been there done that) ending the night with quasi mandatory sex and a brief fight. Extra time: ~40 hours. Extra cash: 40-100$, Extra stress: 920 megawatts. Extra romance: none.


Example two: The car breaks down on the highway, we're in the middle of nowhere with no cell, and we pretty much set up the triangles and wait for someone to come along. After some nervous bickering, we realize that there is some cheese and crackers in the back, and some coonies in the cooler. We set up a "table" in the scrub grass, and play cards while we wait for the camp fire to die down. Hours later, we're in a great mood, someone shows up, joins us for some campy food, and gets us out of our mess. Extra time: none (we were stuck!) Extra $: $27 (we gave the guy all our spare cash in reward for towing us for free!)


Counter Example two: The PLANNED camping trip was an overplanned disaster, we elected to get up much too early and stuck to the plan even though I got carsick. We ended up in a terribly foul mood right up until the breakdown, actually. Part of the problem was, the overplanning left us with faaar too much STUFF to actually be effective at hiking. Extra time: 20 hrs, Extra $: HUNDREDS.

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