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Law of Attraction

Le MX5

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In a situation where you love someone and want a relationship with them, do you believe the law of attraction would help you in achieving that goal?


Me personally, I think the law of attraction is BS in all aspects of life. Just because you constantly think about having something, doesn't mean it'll magically fall into your life.


What do you think about the law of attraction?

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People that believe in law of attraction doesn't just believe in just having the thoughts of what you desire but take action and find any opportunity that may eventually lead to the goal.


And it's never guaranteed to get what you want always. For the most part just like positive thinking and putting your mind and action into what you really desire generally will lead you to that path. You really are what you think and the decisions you make from those thoughts.

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In a situation where you love someone and want a relationship with them, do you believe the law of attraction would help you in achieving that goal?


Me personally, I think the law of attraction is BS in all aspects of life. Just because you constantly think about having something, doesn't mean it'll magically fall into your life.


What do you think about the law of attraction?


There is truth in law of attraction as far as "you attract more bees with honey." If you are comfortable with yourself, are polite, and look like you are having a good time, then obviously, more people will feel comfortable with coming up and talking to you, or your positive attitude and likeability will make people think of you when they are rounding out their party guests. But it won't get you "things."


I agree that the "law of attraction" as how some self help and "answer to life" books and lecturers tout it is a bit iffy. You can't bewitch someone to want a relationship with you just because you are thinking about it in your mind. There are folks I have met that treat it like its a universal law with specific "ways" and "methods" to do it. And if someone doesn't get what they want, they tell them they must no be "doing it right"

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New age "philosophy", whether it be The Secret of Law of Attraction, tend to fall prey to the idea that humans are the centre of the universe--that somehow our own thoughts will dictate how the rest of the world plays out around us. Not only do I find it pompous/arrogant, but scientifically there's nothing to support it. IMO, these outlooks are nothing but schemes that people come up with to make money. They appear once or twice on Oprah and the masses go crazy for them.

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New age "philosophy", whether it be The Secret of Law of Attraction, tend to fall prey to the idea that humans are the centre of the universe--that somehow our own thoughts will dictate how the rest of the world plays out around us. Not only do I find it pompous/arrogant, but scientifically there's nothing to support it. IMO, these outlooks are nothing but schemes that people come up with to make money. They appear once or twice on Oprah and the masses go crazy for them.


Exactly. It basically wants to replace the old fashioned god imo. It's like "well, you think religion is nonesense and now you're hopeless? We have a new treat for you! It is a LAW of universe just like gravity or other known facts in this world. It is easier to believe and once you believe in it, you are golden."


Th truth is that we come up with all these rules and ideas because we are terrified of the role of chance and luck and desperately want to believe that we can have complete control on our lives.

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It works, but not because it's a law.


If you want a high level job, and act like you deserve a high level job, you walk, talk, and dress like someone who deserves a promotion. If you are a negative person, and expect the world to lift you up, you won't get it.


Same thing for relationships. If you behave like someone who would be great to be in a relationship with, (dress well, act mature, modest and kind) eventually someone sees that quality in you and wants to date you.


The thought isn't all that counts, it's what you do with yourself.

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i'm 50/50 on this as i believed that i wanted a good job i finally did get the job i wanted but i lost it due to a sour relationship, again i wanted a good long term relationship and i THOUGHT i had one 4yrs back i was wrong i dressed well, acted mature, i told you how it was but i was very kind this just lead a money grabbing * * * * to me which has now left me with a £5000 in debt. But since then again i wanted my mr right so to speak and i feel like i have found him my fiancée is much like me and has had a bad time with life so i can agree with both sides.

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I agree with what's been said, if you want something bad enough you will work harder for it and that usually leads to results...sitting at home just thinking about a goal is not gonna get it for you.

The tricky part is, that unlike most other goals (like promotion, better job, bigger house etc) a relationship involves two people. I think you can set yourself the goal of getting a good partner and succeed, but to aim "the law of attraction" to a specific person, seems like it's a lovespell and i don't believe in that. The thing is, if the other person is not attracted to you, you can't make them love you. No matter how much you want it.

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