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Really like this guy but....


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I am not sure he is who he says he is in the picture. Let me explain. Been emailing for over a month. It was very sporatic, and the last week it has been more consistent. He has the same sense of humor as me so I kind of like him. Here is the only issue: he has one pic, and on the pic he jokingly says this is what I used to look like before i struck it rich. He isnt serious, but I wonder hmm is that really him?? I want to bring it up, but I dont it to seem I am judging him by his looks. I have been struggling because I have been looking for a certain kind of guy with no luck (pretty boys) I said well, maybe I need a new tatic and base them on their personality first. Just what if i meet him and he is totally not my type??

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i think when its a cyber relationship the rules change a little...just to be safe..i dont think in this case it is wrong to ask if thats his picture..he could easily ask you the same,. if he gets so defensive and angry with u then maybe he is lying. we all love personality but we also need to be honest when u meet someone most of the time its usually physical attraction that gets u interested first before you even figure out what kind of person they are - i guess that you guys are emailing this is different u have a good vibe of each other but i think in a cyber relationship its better to be safe...u know?...be careful before u meet him...goodluck

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