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Is it okay 2 kiss a friend????


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So I have this friend, I have known her for about 8 years now and I had a crush on her soon after I met her and even despite recent things that have happended in the last 4 years, I find that my feelings her are growing more and more. Back to my question, Its her birthday soon and I'm meeting up with her to treat her for her birthday on wednesday and I had a thought the other night to kiss her but I worry that 1. its wrong 2. it will kill our friendship 3. that she may not feel the same about me.


What should I do???


Believe it or not this only the tip of much bigger and a lot more complicated problem, I may post about that one day but I don't know how to say it and I'm scared to.....


Any help would be great.

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Do you know how she feels about you? Does she like you? What kind of hints has she given you?


I don't know how she feels about me, I think she may like me but I don't know. I have looked up signs/hints to tell if a girl likes you and she sort of does match up with some of the things that I found out. I know this is confusing and it is 2 me 2 and thats why I can't work out if its a good idea to kiss her or not...

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Is your friend the hugging type of person or does she need space? You have to first think about her natural demeanor and how she shows affection to ANYONE... You could always start with simple friendly things... Maybe kiss her on the cheek... That's friendly behavior. Start out with extra affectionate things that friends already do. I'm not into girls, but my "girl friends" and I sometimes hold hands for a moment trying to make it through a very crowded area, or we may kiss each other on the cheek every now and then when greeting each other, or while in church, we may put our arms around each other while we're singing or praying... but that's just because we're very close friends. There's nothing to it. Some people are uncomfortable with it, but to me, it's natural. If you've never shown any hint of physical affection to this friend and suddenly spring something new, it may be uncomfortable for her. BUT since it IS her birthday and a special occasion, what a perfect opportunity to tell her how much her friendship means to you and kiss her on the cheek or something to tell her she means alot to you and you're glad to have her in your life... And see how she responds or acts...

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I don't know if this sheads some light on things but when I met with her at the start of June she was really down, She was telling me about some really private things (the kind of things that you wouldn't share with people lightly) and I stroked her arm, when I did that she didn't say anything but she also didn't try to pull her arm away from me. Also, Even tho she went home early she said that she was sorry to end the day so soon and that she still had a nice time. Does anyone think that there might be some meaning in her reaction to that???

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So I will be meeting up with this girl tomorrow, I want to try to kiss her on the cheek but I still worry about it. I know thats its her birthday and everything but I worry that I will kill out friendship if I did kiss her (it would kill me if she wasn't in my life).


What should I do???

Would it be okay to risk it considering this will be the first time that I have this much physical affection to her (the most so far is when I stroked her arm)???

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I don't think she would cut you out of her life for giving her a peck on the cheek. The worst she could do is tell you that it makes her uncomfortable. Just see what happens with that first. Be calm, cool, and collected.

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