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how do u tell a girl that you're interested in her?


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hey every1, just wanted to gather some opinions on how to tell a girl that u like her. I havent talked to her all year round cos she's always with one friend and i cant even talk to one girl!? she's a freshman going to 2nd year, same as me, but i just tremble when she's around. I mostly see her when im with my friends which makes me even more nervous and i just think that im gonna say something stupid and muck it all up.


Plz give any advice, Thx in advance

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Hey Shy Dude


I understand what you mean, we are get a little nervous when it comes to the opposite sex at times. In the beginning it can be hairy, until you get the hang of it. Many can say they have tricks on how to do it. But you will find the direct approach works quit well. Just remember if they say "no" it my not be personal or have anything to do with you. No on likes to feel rejected, but sometimes they are involved with something else. Just walk and say "I find you very interesting, or you could use the word attractive, with are you doing Saturday night ? I would like to take you to a concert, movie, club, dinner, it goes on and on. After some time, you will get better at it. We all start from square one with women, we have all felt dumb and stupid. But the guys getting the girls, remember have to ask too. Keep asking until you get a "Yes".


Go ask her, you can do this.


Let me know if you got the date, good luck, go get her.


Kuhl 8)

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