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ok, is happened again, someone called me an "ugly Freak" One Again. do people not realise how sick and tired i am of this by now. for f***s sake, im already at a low point in my life. i dont know why im so self conscious, but can someone please tell me if i look ugly or weird.



photo is on my profile.


sorry for my bad bad grammer, im typing with shaky hands, as im so f*****g stressed.

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If you want an objective answer, put your pic on link removed and leave it there for a few days and you'll get an average score. The scores are skewed though. My interpretation is that an 8 means you're about average looking, 9 or higher means you're widely considered pretty hot. Model looks seem to get about 9.5 or higher.


Luckily though, you're a man. It's not as important to look good as compared to a woman. If you're of average weight, well presented and confident in yourself without being a douche no-one will treat you differently.


Working out in the gym also makes a huge difference to your appearance.


Ultimately people like being around positive funny people with interesting personalities. All those attributes are within your control. If you were disfigured or disabled you would find it a lot harder, so really you are in an advantageous position.


Btw, the person who insulted you like that is an idiot.

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Did this person shout at you in the street or was it someone you know?


Again, having commented on your other thread, you are not an ugly guy. The reaction this person and others are having you must be based on other factors and looks is just the way they are choosing to try and put you down.

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Did this person shout at you in the street or was it someone you know?


Again, having commented on your other thread, you are not an ugly guy. The reaction this person and others are having you must be based on other factors and looks is just the way they are choosing to try and put you down.


People are just down right cruel (so bad i dont even want to leave the house) I think you look GREAT (id date u ) I was thinkn what this is person sid to if they know u or not but that really shouldnt matter.. You really shoudnt give a S**T what people think but i do the same thing, but it is no reason to kill your self..

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You are definitely not ugly, and I'm giving my honest opinion. Who said this to you? Is it someone you know? If so, like HK said, it's probably something else about you that's bothering them and insulting your looks is one way to bring you down.

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My honest opinion? You perfectly look normal and cute. But people also see your low self-esteem and you do look kinda "timid/angry" or even a little bit "creepy" for some people. Sorry for being blunt, my English is not that good and I sometimes use the wrong words. You said you're currently in a very bad mood, I'm sorry for that, and I understand why your pic is like that.

I hope you'll find a way to cheer up Life is not all about looks, but yes, some people are cruel and yes, your looks can reflect what you feel inside. It does for me.

Don't base your self confidence on your looks or what other think of you though, you have lots of interesting things to share with people. You are an interesting and cute individual.

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Also, dumb people can sense your fragility and use it to have fun by insulting you. They would't insult a confident person like that, when they don't know him/her. These people are just cruel cowards.

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Ignore those people seriously anyone that says that is usually fairly ugly themselves and just do so to make themselves feel better. You look fine by the way kinda cute People say the same thing about my brother hes 17 and hes been told he is strange and weird and a freak all his life by bullies he is actually a really good looking lad just he doesnt follow the flock his personality stands out and for that he is criticised, now the lads that called him those names have faces like a bag of chizels their so ugly but their personalities dont help.

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Hey JT, ignore them. I am curious why they said it, like the others asked - is it someone you know - what spurred them to say it? Did you do anything to prompt it or did they just say it? See, I had a guy write to me on POF today and he said something stupid which was annoying - so then I had a go back at him! Now, if you said something to spur them to attack your looks I can understand that. If it was from out of nowhere then you don't deserve that and you shouldn't take it to heart. People are mean. People don't care about others' feelings. You're not ugly... don't give up.

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I'd like to know the context too....it seems awfully random and improbable that more than a handful of people have randomly shouted at you that you're an ugly freak.


Anyways, what matters is what YOU believe. A bunch of people telling you you're NOT ugly isn't going to undo your internal dialogue which is telling you that you're fed up with people, life and so on.

I hope you're able to right this for yourself.

Best wishes.

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You know what? Some kids are mean and bully each other for whatever reason. Read this.

link removed


You are not alone and absolutely don't let yourself believe or even care about what these stupid kids say. When I was young, guys used to make fun of my hair all the time and other things about my other friends. You know what? we just laughed them off, in fact sometimes we liked hearing those comments so we could laugh at them. It might have been because I had a group of friends and we were supporting each other. Maybe try to make one or two good friends who help you through it. Even if you can't, it doesn't matter, because as you get older, people get wiser and you'll have an easier time.

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I'd like to know the context too....it seems awfully random and improbable that more than a handful of people have randomly shouted at you that you're an ugly freak.


I agree. I'd like to know how it all started. Can you give us the details and more info please?

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Try not to think so much of what people say or think about your looks. Bc they don't matter and they ain't doing ish for you anyways (I know easier said than done) but people like that you don't need in your life. Bc they aren't in a good place in theirs and they just wanna bring you down with them. And no you aren't ugly. But try smiling for a change!!! Put a pic of you smiling on your profyle pic~bd~

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As others have already asked, what do you think about yourself? Just because someone says something negative about you doesn't mean that it is true. How do you think the most successful people came to be? I'm sure they heard "you can't do it" or "you're wasting your time". Well, look who's laughing now...


As for this situation, you simply writing about how you want to end it all just because of a few words shows that you have very low self esteem. You need to grow a thicker skin, accept who you are, and do something about it. I believe everyone in this world has some form of beauty in one way or another. If you fall in the looks department, make it up with a charming personality.


Pretty much what I'm saying is DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR CURRENT SITUATION. Don't mope around waiting for a brighter day. Do something to make even the crappiest days one of your best.

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