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7+ months later...

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This is the longest I've been single since I started dating in high school. I'm comfortable (for the most part) with being single for the first time in my life. I'd always run to find a new girlfriend after a break up...and that worked fantastic as I met some great girls. Not this time though, I guess I'm being more picky.


I have had short dating stints in the past 7 months, but didn't go anywhere. I am interested in dating again, just not motivated to go look.


I remember the pain, it was hard...but I remembered how I got through it before and I got through it again. Honestly, I still wish me and the ex had worked out, but I'm ok with it...it doesn't hang over me anymore.

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Good to hear brother I'm happy for you.. I'm going into month 6 and ut gets better every day




Please give me hope for my 6 month mark. I'm crying my eyes out I haven't cried much and its starting to really hit me how OVER it is.after finding out what I found out


i can't keep or start crying... I cried too much during the relationship.

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Please give me hope for my 6 month mark. I'm crying my eyes out I haven't cried much and its starting to really hit me how OVER it is.after finding out what I found out


i can't keep or start crying... I cried too much during the relationship.


That should be your hope right there, you seem to be a geniune, loving and caring person. It sucks being hurt. But if the relationship was so bad, and you cried most of the time. Why keep doing this to yourself. It seems like your obsessing about this guy, trying to make him something he wasnt. I know I've been there about a girl. It seems like you care alot, and have alot of love to give Sunday, why not give it to a guy who cares about you!

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That should be your hope right there, you seem to be a geniune, loving and caring person. It sucks being hurt. But if the relationship was so bad, and you cried most of the time. Why keep doing this to yourself. It seems like your obsessing about this guy, trying to make him something he wasnt. I know I've been there about a girl. It seems like you care alot, and have alot of love to give Sunday, why not give it to a guy who cares about you!


Oh yeah.Funny thing si I haven't cried much since the breakup I'm a bit worried about that.all i 've had is short cries, nothing for long time.like 20 mins or less.Yeah i felt I gave him the best I had although he might say not.I feel I am an attractive person but its difficult now being alone all the time.I've been out here and there but You know it really sucks not having a partner.And for some reason everything feels wrong.I'm not really obsessing from what I've found out this weekend theres no hope left if there ever was any to begin with .I just feel like I actaully didn't know this guy in the end he had changed so much.

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Oh yeah.Funny thing si I haven't cried much since the breakup I'm a bit worried about that.all i 've had is short cries, nothing for long time.like 20 mins or less.Yeah i felt I gave him the best I had although he might say not.I feel I am an attractive person but its difficult now being alone all the time.I've been out here and there but You know it really sucks not having a partner.And for some reason everything feels wrong.I'm not really obsessing from what I've found out this weekend theres no hope left if there ever was any to begin with .I just feel like I actaully didn't know this guy in the end he had changed so much.


I understand how you feel and the pain is newer to me, I just have to get used to the fact that she isnt here for me, or she might not even care for me anymore. I havent really ever been this depressed. But I try every day to just make it through as painless as I can.

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Oh there's more than just hope Sunday, you actually WILL get past this. It may not be at the 6 or 7 month mark either. It took longer when I was hurt bad before.


Eventually, you don't think of them when u wake up one morning...don't think about them when you go to sleep at night...and now I basically just think of her at random times and it really doesn't bother me when I do. Dating helped speed the process for me tbh, but only do that if you feel ready.

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