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Contact from all the exes when I left the country...


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It's funny because I just went on a life-changing retreat to another country with my church...and while I was gone, all 3 of my last exes within the past 10 years emailed me...when we've been in No Contact except for my latest one...


I was absolutely floored that my ex fiance emailed me asking if I changed my phone number, claiming he had tried to text me. He said he found more of my stuff and wants to come over to my house. I couldn't write back while I was out of the country, so he may think I'm playing games since I took so long to respond. I emailed him my number and told him he could come by. He told me that he hopes I am doing well and that he recently moved but is still the same old person. The tone of his email is upbeat. He broke up with me over a year and a half ago and we've been in NC for almost the whole time, so this came as a huge surprise to me! But I am wondering if it's because I forwarded him something by email recently, which he didn't mention. Anyway, I know he has a girlfriend but he didn't mention it.


Then there is my recent ex (who is my "best friend" currently). This guy claims to be in love with me, but sent me a short email telling me he can't make it to the Welcome Back party and will have to hang out with me another time. This was really disappointing because we had plans tomorrow and he just blew me off. We were starting to get close again, so that hurt.


Then there is my ex from ten years ago who sent me a quick "how's it going?"


All these exes are unrelated. I just think it's weird that they all emailed me while I was gone!!!!


Everyone at my church is rooting for me and B, my last ex. I was considering it while I was away because I missed him and was looking forward to seeing him, but considering that he cancelled our plans, I am reconsidering.


I have always still harbored a flame for my ex fiance but I know that will never be because he broke my heart and is stubborn and will never try again. Plus, he is taken.


The other ex, who cares....but it'd be nice to catch up as friends.


This is mostly just a vent, although I'm a bit confused that my ex fiance contacted me. It's been so long. I thought we would never talk again and to see him on Monday is going to be difficult because I am going to have to play it cool. My other ex (B) really let me down. He's been trying to "win me back" yet he cancelled our plans. That sucks.

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